577 datasets found

Keywords: radio galaxies

Filter Results
  • Radio galaxies in the 2SLAQ LRG Survey

    We have combined optical data from the 2dF-SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) LRG (Luminous Red Galaxy) and QSO (quasi-stellar object) (2SLAQ) redshift survey with radio...
  • Redshifts in Subaru/XMM Deep Field

    We present multiobject spectroscopy of galaxies in the immediate (Mpc-scale) environments of four low-power (L_1.4GHz_~<10^25^W/Hz) radio galaxies at z~0.5, selected from the...
  • Radio survey of the 1H XMM/Chandra field

    We present the results of a deep 610-MHz survey of the 1^H^ XMM-Newton/Chandra survey area with the Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope. The resulting maps have a resolution of...
  • Radio-loud AGN in SDSS

    A sample of 2712 radio-luminous galaxies is defined from the second data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) by cross-comparing the main spectroscopic galaxy sample...
  • Texas-Oxford NVSS (TONS) radio galaxies

    We present a clustering analysis of the Texas-Oxford NVSS Structure (TONS) radio galaxy redshift survey. This complete flux-limited survey consists of 268 radio galaxies with...
  • Rmag surface brightness of HIDEEP galaxies

    Minchin et al. (2004, Cat. ) have recently placed limits on the cosmological significance of gas-rich low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies as a proportion of the total...
  • Near-infrared survey around PKS 1343-601

    We present the results of a deep near-infrared survey of a 36x36arcmin^2^ region centred on the giant elliptical radio galaxy PKS 1343-601, suggested to be the core of an...
  • 13+38 XMM-Newton/ROSAT 1.4GHz radio catalog

    In order to determine the relationship between the faint X-ray and faint radio source populations, and hence to help understand the X-ray and radio emission mechanisms in those...
  • 2dFGRS: Radio galaxies properties

    The clustering properties of local, S_1.4GHz_>=1mJy, radio sources are investigated for a sample of 820 objects drawn from the joint use of the Faint Images of the Radio Sky...
  • HIDEEP survey

    We have carried out an extremely long integration time (9000s/beam) 21-cm blind survey of 60deg^2^ in Centaurus using the Parkes multibeam system. We find that the noise...
  • 100-Mpc-scale structures of radio galaxies

    We present unequivocal evidence for a huge (~80x100x100Mp^3^) superstructure at redshift z=0.27 in the three-dimensional distribution of radio galaxies from the Texas-Oxford...
  • Radio galaxies in the 2dFGRS

    We use redshift determinations and spectral analysis of galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey () to study the properties of local radio sources with S>=1mJy. 557 objects...
  • LBDS Hercules sample griJHK photometry

    The results are presented of an extensive programme of optical and infrared imaging of radio sources in a complete subsample of the Leiden-Berkeley Deep Survey. The LBDS...
  • HI data of Puppis galaxies

    We report 21-cm H I line observations of 161 galaxies located behind the Milky Way, in the Puppis region. The observations have been carried out with the Nancay radio telescope,...
  • The Phoenix Survey

    Using a deep Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) radio survey covering an area of ~3deg^2^ to a 4{sigma} sensitivity of >=100mmJy at 1.4GHz, we study the nature of faint...
  • Optical IDs of JVAS using APM

    Files list1, list2, and list3 contain the lists of flat spectrum radio sources with their optical identifications from the APM (Automated Plate Measurement Facility at...
  • Compact radio cores in radio galaxies.

    This catalog contains compact core fluxes for a list of 175 southern radio galaxies, measured with the Parkes-Tidbinbilla Interferometer (PTI, Norris et al. 1988ApJS...67...85N)...
  • Optical/IR observ. of Radio Galaxies and QSOs

    This catalog reports on an extensive optical and infrared study of the 178 radio sources in the Parkes Selected Regions (S > 100 mJy at 2.7 GHz). CCD observations have...
  • Interplanetary Scintillation Survey at 81.5 MHz

    A catalog of 1789 radio sources which exhibit interplanetary scintillation (IPS) at 81.5 MHz is presented. The angular diameters of scintillating components in the range 0.2-2...
  • Bright extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz

    The brightest extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz are catalogued. The complete sample comprises 233 sources found in the major centimeter wavelength surveys carried out at...
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