Hydrographic data from ROV survey PS122/2_19-115 on 2020-01-11, survey 1
Conductivity, temperature, and pressure were measured by a Glider Payload CTD (SBE GPCTD, Seabird). Oxygen frequency was measured by an oxygen optode (SBE 43F DO, Seabird). Both... -
Hydrographic data from ROV survey PS122/2_18-89 on 2020-01-04, survey 1
Conductivity, temperature, and pressure were measured by a Glider Payload CTD (SBE GPCTD, Seabird). Oxygen frequency was measured by an oxygen optode (SBE 43F DO, Seabird). Both... -
Hydrographic data from ROV survey PS122/2_18-19 on 2019-12-31, survey 1
Conductivity, temperature, and pressure were measured by a Glider Payload CTD (SBE GPCTD, Seabird). Oxygen frequency was measured by an oxygen optode (SBE 43F DO, Seabird). Both... -
Hydrographic data from ROV survey PS122/2_18-10 on 2019-12-30, survey 1
Conductivity, temperature, and pressure were measured by a Glider Payload CTD (SBE GPCTD, Seabird). Oxygen frequency was measured by an oxygen optode (SBE 43F DO, Seabird). Both... -
Abundance, cell volume, biomass, viability and leucine incorporation rates of...
This dataset contains the results of the characterisation of the prokaryotic community by flow cytometry and tritiated leucine incorporation from the MAFIA cruise (Migrants and... -
Biogeochemical variables including mixed layer samples from the tropical and ...
This dataset contains the results of the fluorescent dissolved organic matter characterisation (FDOM) and water mass optimum multiparameter analysis from the MAFIA cruise... -
Biogeochemical variables and optimum multiparameter analysis results from the...
This dataset contains the results of the fluorescent dissolved organic matter characterisation (FDOM) and water mass optimum multiparameter analysis from the MAFIA cruise... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O8 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O7 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O5 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O2 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O6 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O4 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O3 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Processed seawater temperature, conductivity and salinity obtained at differe...
CTD buoy 2019O1 was deployed in the MOSAiC Distributed Network in the Northern Laptev Sea in early October 2019 as part of a set of eight identical ice-tethered buoy systems,... -
Oxygen in water column at 6 stations in Eastern Gotland Basin sampled during ...
This dataset has no description
Physical oceanography measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS99.2 measured f...
A small CTD SBE 19plus was deployed manually from a Zodiac driving in parallel to the AUV track. -
Physical oceanography during Hespérides cruise ATOS2
This dataset has no description
Raw data of physical oceanography during RV MARIA S. MERIAN cruise MSM131
During cruise MSM131 conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured during 23 hydrocasts with the CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO) system of RV MARIA S. MERIAN above the Jøtul... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV SONNE cruise track SO306
Underway temperature and salinity data was collected along the cruise track with two autonomous measurement systems, called self-cleaning monitoring boxes (SMBs). Usually, the...