Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadd...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Diatom abundance in surface sediments of the northern North Pacific
In order to map the modern distribution of diatoms and to establish a reliable reference data set for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern North Pacific, a new data... -
Diatoms in surface water at time series station Helgoland Roads, North Sea, i...
The dataset corresponds to the diatom plankton count recorded from 1908 in Helgoland Roads. The original data set was handwritten in paper sheets to be found at the AWI library... -
Diatoms in surface water at time series station Helgoland Roads, North Sea, i...
The dataset corresponds to the diatom plankton count recorded from 1907 in Helgoland Roads. The original data set was handwritten in paper sheets to be found at the AWI library... -
Diatoms in surface water at time series station Helgoland Roads, North Sea, i...
The dataset corresponds to the diatom plankton count recorded from 1906 in Helgoland Roads. The original data set was handwritten in paper sheets to be found at the AWI library... -
Siliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1092
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Siliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1091
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Siliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1090
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Siliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1089
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Diatoms and their abundances in the Late Holocene sediments of Core LV77-3-1 ...
Diatoms from 87 sediment samples of the Core LV77-3-1 collected in southern part of Chukchi Sea were examined to reconstruct paleoenvironments of last millennia and correlate... -
Range table from diatoms in ODP Hole 178-1097A
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Phytoplankton biomass during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV23
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Phytoplankton biomass during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV4
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Phytoplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV23
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Phytoplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV4
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Phytoplankton biomass in surface water during Akademik Vernadsky cruise AV24
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Phytoplankton abundance in surface water during Akademik Vernadsky cruise AV24
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Phytoplankton abundance at bottle station GOM4/1
This dataset has no description
Qualitative data for calcareous nannofossils and marine and nonmarine diatoms...
Preservation: E = excellent, G = good, M = moderate, MP = moderate to poor, P = poor. Abundance: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, VR = very rare, X = present. NA =...