Asturian LMF Freeling Lexicon
- This is the LMF version of the Asturian Freeling lexicon. FreeLing is a developer-oriented library providing language analysis services. FreeLing is designed to be used as an... -
Apertium Monolingual Lexicon to LMF converter
This tool generates the LMF version of Apertium monolingual lexicons. The script takes as input an expanded monolingual Apertium lexicon (generated using: lt-expand apertium.dix... -
PANACEA Italian Parole V-SUBCAT Gold Standard lexicon
The PAROLE-SCF-31-IT is a lexicon of verb subcategorisation frames for 31 verb lemmas extracted from the PAROLE Italian Lexicon (Ruimy et a. 2003). -
PANACEA Spanish Gold Standard for lexical semantic classification
We present a set of Spanish gold-standards for different noun classes created in PANACEA to train and test automatic classifiers. To create these gold-standards we used the... -
Italian-Spanish LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for Italian and Spanish languages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files. For... -
PANACEA Labour and Repubblica merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PANACEA_rep_lab_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (labour) PANACEA_SCF_IT_labour.lmf.xml and a... -
Esperanto-Spanish LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
- This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for Esperanto and Spanish languages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files.... -
English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary developed under the direction of Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2005-2012) from parallel texts in the CLUVI Corpus of... -
GrAF version of the SenSem Spanish Corpus
- This is the stand-off GrAF version of the SenSem Spanish Corpus. The original SenSem Spanish Corpus includes syntactic and semantic annotations for a number of Spanish texts... -
Occitan-Catalan LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for Occitan and Catalan languages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files. For... -
Spanish LMF Apertium Dictionary
- This is the LMF version of the Apertium Spanish dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries for Spanish, Catalan, Gallego and Euskera have been generated from the Apertium expanded... -
IULA Penn Treebank
This treebank consists of a number of Spanish and English sentences that has been manually annotated with syntactical information. The sentences have been choosed from the Penn... -
TRL Spanish V-SUBCAT lexicon: LMF Format
Gold-standard for Spanish verbal subcategorization frames. The gold-standard was built merging two manually developed dictionaries: the Spanish working lexicon of the Incyta... -
PANACEA Spanish multi-level, multi-domain lexicon
- This is a multi-level, multi-domain lexicon for Spanish. It combines the automatically acquired lexica for ENV and LAB domains using PANACEA platform and some general domain... -
PANACEA Environment Bilingual Glossary FR-EN (French-English)
This folder contains files for bilingual glossary creation from factored phrase tables that include part of speech tagged text for FR-EN language pair. The tables are firstly... -
Galician WordNet-LMF
This is the Spanish Word-Net-LMF lexicon. The Spanish lexicon is part of the Multilingual Central Repository (MCR http://adimen.si.ehu.es/web/MCR) and contains 37,876 lexical... -
Catalan LMF Freeling Lexicon
- This is the LMF version of the Catalan Freeling lexicon. FreeLing is a developer-oriented library providing language analysis services. FreeLing is designed to be used as an...