Protein, carbohydrate, and lipid concentrations from three stations at Potter...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2. Samples analyzed by Donato Giovannelli (mailto:donato.giovannelli@an.ismar.cnr.it) and Manini Elena... -
Pigment concentrations from three stations at Potter Cove, King George Island...
Samples analyzed by Donato Giovannelli (mailto:donato.giovannelli@an.ismar.cnr.it) and Manini Elena (mailto:e.manini@ismar.cnr.it). For the pigment analysis sediment cores were... -
Shallow water meiofauna biomass from three stations at Potter Cove, King Geor...
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Shallow water meiofauna abundance from three stations at Potter Cove, King Ge...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2; Samples taken in 3 replicates at a distance of few meters one from another -
Shallow water macrofauna biomass from three stations at Potter Cove, King Geo...
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Shallow water macrofauna abundance from three stations at Potter Cove, King G...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2; Samples taken in 3 replicates at a distance of few meters one from another -
Physical oceanography at CTD stations in Potter Cove, King George Island, Wes...
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Total uptake of bacteria and diatoms by nematodes, copepods and cumaceans in ...
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Total uptake of bacteria and diatoms by nematodes, copepods and cumaceans in ...
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Copepoda and Cumacea biomass in surface sediments of Potter Cove, King George...
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(Fig. 3) Vertical distribution of average nematode biomasses in surface sedim...
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(Fig. 2) Vertical density profiles of meiofauna taxa in surface sediments of ...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => Abundance is given in #/22.89 cm**2 -
Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_3 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_2 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_1 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_3 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_2 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_1 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Physical oceanography at CTD station PotterCove_3 at Potter Cove, King George...
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Geochemistry of sediment core PC-K18, Potter Cove, King George Island
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