1,151 datasets found

Keywords: radio sources

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  • Lockman Hole/XMM VLBI observations

    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) play a decisive role in galaxy evolution, particularly so when they launch powerful jets, which reshape their surroundings. However, identifying...
  • GMRT Radio Halo Cluster Survey diffuse sources

    To gain further insight on the origin of diffuse radio sources in galaxy clusters and their connection with cluster merger processes, we performed GMRT low frequency...
  • Bright northern radio sources with VLA/JVLA

    We report multiple epoch VLA/JVLA observations of 89 northern hemisphere sources, most with 37GHz flux density >1Jy, observed at 4.8, 8.5, 33.5, and 43.3GHz. The high...
  • Radio survey of ultracool dwarfs

    We aim to increase the sample of ultracool dwarfs studied in the radio domain to allow a more statistically significant understanding of the physical conditions associated with...
  • X-ray and radio emission of type 1 AGNs

    X-ray emission from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is dominated by the accretion disk around a supermassive black hole. The radio luminosity, however, has not such a clear origin...
  • S5 0836+710 image at 1.6GHz

    The remarkable stability of extragalactic jets is surprising, given the reasonable possibility of the growth of instabilities. In addition, much work in the literature has...
  • Monitoring of Mrk 421 at 15 and 24 GHz

    High-resolution radio observations are ideal for constraining the value of physical parameters in the inner regions of active-galactic-nucleus jets and complement results on...
  • IRAS 16293-2422 ALMA maps

    We focus on the kinematical properties of a proto-binary to study the infall and rotation of gas toward its two protostellar components. We present ALMA Science Verification...
  • ATLAS 2.3GHz observations of ELAIS-S1 and CDF-S

    The Australia Telescope Large Area Survey (ATLAS) aims to image a 7deg^2^ region centred on the European Large Area ISO Survey - South 1 (ELAIS-S1) field and the Chandra Deep...
  • GPS radio sources multifrequency study

    Gigahertz peaked spectrum (GPS) radio sources are a class of extragalactic radio sources characterized by a spectral peak in the gigahertz domain. They are a mixed class of...
  • Multiwavelength view of blazar PKS 2155-304

    Multiwavelength (MWL) observations of the blazar PKS 2155-304 during two weeks in July and August 2006, the period when two exceptional flares at very high energies (VHE,...
  • AGN Fermi/LAT {gamma}-ray and 37GHz fluxes

    Although the Fermi mission has increased our knowledge of {gamma}-ray AGN, many questions remain, such as the site of {gamma}-ray production, the emission mechanism, and the...
  • VLBI imaging of 105 extragalactic radio sources

    The European space astrometry mission Gaia, to be launched by 2012, will construct a dense optical QSO-based celestial reference frame which will need to be linked to the...
  • VLBI detection of 398 extragalactic radio sources

    The European space astrometry mission Gaia will construct a dense optical QSO-based celestial reference frame. For consistency between optical and radio positions, it will be...
  • CO maps in Serpens

    The Serpens North cluster is a nearby low mass star forming region which is part of the Gould belt. It contains a range of young stars thought to correspond to two different...
  • CO(2-1) maps of IRAS 00117+6412

    Our main aim is to study the influence of the initial conditions of a cloud in the intermediate/high-mass star formation process. We observed with the VLA, PdBI, and SMA the...
  • Astrometric positions of radio sources

    We discuss the results of an investigation of astrometric positions of extragalactic radio sources from a list for the International Celestial Reference Frame. Cone search...
  • The RMS survey: water masers of YSOs

    The red MSX source (RMS) survey has identified a large sample of candidate massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and ultra compact (UC) HII regions from a sample of ~2000 MSX...
  • IR and 610MHz observations in MGRO J2019+37

    MGROJ2019+37 is an unidentified extended source of very high energy gamma-rays originally reported by the Milagro Collaboration as the brightest TeV source in the Cygnus region....
  • BzJK observations around radio galaxies

    We explore the environments of two radio galaxies at z~1.5, 7C 1751+6809 and 7C 1756+6520, using deep optical and near-infrared imaging. Our data cover 15x15arcmin^2^ fields...
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