1,151 datasets found

Keywords: radio sources

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  • Compact radio sources in NGC 6334D to F

    The presence and properties of compact radio sources embedded in massive star forming regions can reveal important physical properties about these regions and the processes...
  • Full-Stokes polarimetry of 5 radio sources

    We present an analysis pipeline that enables the recovery of reliable information for all four Stokes parameters with high accuracy. Its novelty relies on the effective...
  • TeV/non-TeV BL Lacs multi-lambda fluxes

    We have collected the most complete multi-wavelength (6.0-6.0E^-18^cm) dataset of very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emitting (TeV) BL Lacs, which are the most numerous...
  • Radio cubes of G82.65-2.00

    The combination of line and continuum observations can provide vital insight into the formation and fragmentation of filaments and the initial conditions for star formation. We...
  • ESO 435-02/ESO 435-016 ATCA HI images

    A fly-by interaction has been suggested to be one of the major explanations for enhanced star formation in blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies, yet no direct evidence for this...
  • 22GHz image of 3C 273

    RadioAstron is a 10m orbiting radio telescope mounted on the Spektr-R satellite, launched in 2011, performing Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (SVLBI) observations...
  • G29.37+0.1 610MHz image

    We report on the first detailed multiwavelength study of the radio source G29.37+0.1, which is an as-yet-unclassified object linked to the very-high-energy gamma-emitting source...
  • LABOCA 345GHz observations of Sgr A*

    We report on a statistical analysis of the 345GHz submillimeter (submm) and 100GHz radio flux density distribution of Sagittarius A (Sgr A). The submm data set consists of...
  • High-fidelity VLA imaging of 3C273

    3C 273, the nearest bright quasar, comprises a strong nuclear core and a bright, one-sided jet extending ~23 arcseconds to the SW. The source has been the subject of imaging...
  • S5 0716+714 VLBI K- and Q-band variability

    This study aims to search for the existence of intraday variability (IDV) of BL Lac object S5 0716+714 at high radio frequencies for which the interstellar scintillation effect...
  • IRAS17020+4544 VLBA 5, 8, 15, 24GHz images

    Recent XMM-Newton observations have revealed that IRAS 17020+4544 is a very unusual example of black hole windproduced feedback by a moderately luminous AGN in a spiral galaxy....
  • SN 2008iz 4.8 and 8.4GHz images

    We report on multi-frequency Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio observations for a monitoring campaign of supernova SN 2008iz in the...
  • Radio continuum and gas reservoir in NGC 3998

    We study the nearby lenticular galaxy NGC 3998. This galaxy is known to host a low-power radio AGN with a kpc-size one-sided jet and a large, nearly polar HI disc. It is...
  • M101 radio polarization & magnetic structure

    We observed total and polarized radio continuum emission from the spiral galaxy M 101 at {lambda}{lambda}6.2cm and 11.1cm with the Effelsberg telescope. The angular resolutions...
  • Mid-J CO shock tracing observations of IRDCs II

    Infrared dark clouds are kinematically complex molecular structures in the interstellar medium that can host sites of massive star formation. We present maps measuring 4 square...
  • SNR G11.0-0.0 1.4GHz radio continuum image

    The main goal of this paper is to provide new insights on the origin of the observable flux of {gamma} rays from HESS J1809-193 using new high-quality observations in the radio...
  • SMA 1.3mm image of OMC 1 North

    The filamentary structure of molecular clouds may set important constraints on the mass distribution of stars forming within them. It is therefore important to understand which...
  • NGC 2683 VLA C and D datacubes

    New deep VLA D array HI observations of the highly inclined nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2683 are presented. Archival C array data were processed and added to the new observations....
  • Pulse profiles of 100 radio pulsars

    LOFAR offers the unique capability of observing pulsars across the 10-240MHz frequency range with a fractional bandwidth of roughly 50%. This spectral range is well suited for...
  • M83 magnetic and gaseous spiral arms images

    The magnetic field configurations in several nearby spiral galaxies contain magnetic arms that are sometimes located between the material arms. The nearby barred galaxy M83...
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