1,318 datasets found

Keywords: radio sources

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  • CORNISH project. II. Source catalog

    The CORNISH (Co-Ordinated Radio 'N' Infrared Survey for High-mass star formation) project is the highest resolution radio continuum survey of the Galactic plane to date. It is...
  • Morphology for groups in the FIRST database

    The morphology of selected groups of sources in the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty Centimeters (FIRST) survey and catalog is examined. Sources in the FIRST catalog...
  • 6cm and 20cm survey of Galactic Center

    We describe the results of a millijansky sensitivity VLA survey of roughly 1deg^2^ near the Galactic center at 6 and 20cm. Catalogs of compact and filamentary structures are...
  • 325MHz radio survey in M31. II.

    We have previously presented the results of a 325MHz radio survey of M31 (Cat. , conducted with the A configuration of the Very Large Array. In this survey, a total of 405 radio...
  • 325MHz radio survey in M31

    We present here the results of a 325MHz radio survey of M31, conducted with the A configuration of the Very Large Array. The survey covered an area of 7.6{deg}^2^, and a total...
  • CO (J=1-0) data of cold IRAS sources

    We conducted a large-scale survey for the cold infrared sources along the northern Galactic plane in the CO (J=1-0) line. There are 1912 IRAS sources selected on the basis of...
  • HST snapshot survey of 3CR radio sources

    We present and describe optical counterparts to 46 3CR radio galaxies of redshifts less than 0.1 that were imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) WFPC2 camera through...
  • COBRA Radio source properties

    The shape of bent, double-lobed radio sources requires a dense gaseous medium. Bent sources can therefore be used to identify galaxy clusters and characterize their evolutionary...
  • 10yr of radio-to-gamma-ray obs. of 1ES 1215+30.3

    Blazars are known for their variability on a wide range of timescales at all wavelengths. Most studies of TeV gamma-ray blazars focus on short timescales, especially during...
  • Faint radio sources in GOODS-N and -S. I. VLA 5GHz

    We present the first results from the deep and wide 5GHz radio observations of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS)-North ({sigma}=3.5{mu}Jy/beam, synthesized...
  • WMAP observations of Planck ESZ clusters

    We examine the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect in the seven year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data by cross-correlating it with the Planck Early-release...
  • Murchison Widefield Array 110-200MHz observations

    The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is a new low-frequency, wide field-of-view radio interferometer under development at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in Western...
  • Variable and transient radio sources in FIRST

    A comprehensive search for variable and transient radio sources has been conducted using ~55000 snapshot images of the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm survey (Cat....
  • Variable 1.4GHz radio sources from NVSS and FIRST

    We augment the two widest/deepest 1.4GHz radio surveys, the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters (FIRST), with the mean epoch...
  • 31GHz sky survey with the SZA

    We present the first sample of 31GHz selected sources to flux levels of 1mJy. From late 2005 to mid-2007, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array observed 7.7deg^2^ of the sky at 31GHz to...
  • Radio and IR counterparts of BLAST sources in CDFS

    We have identified radio and/or mid-infrared counterparts to 198 out of 350 sources detected at >=5{sigma} over ~9deg^2^ centered on the Chandra Deep Field South by the...
  • Spitzer survey of submillimeter galaxies

    We present Spitzer-IRAC and MIPS mid-IR observations of a sample of 76 radio-detected submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs) with spectroscopic redshifts, the largest such...
  • Chandra X-Ray sources in the {gamma} Cyg Field

    In search of the counterpart to the brightest unidentified gamma-ray source, 3EG J2020+4017 (2CG 078+2), we report on new X-ray and radio observations of the {gamma} Cygni field...
  • XMM-LSS low-frequency radio counterparts

    The XMM Large-Scale Structure Survey (XMM-LSS) is a major project to map the large-scale structure of the universe out to cosmological distances. An 8x8 region will be surveyed...
  • Galactic plane VLA survey

    We present results from a continuum VLA snapshot survey of the galactic plane in the longitude range 0{deg}<=l<=90{deg} at 1.5GHz. Observations were taken every 0.5{deg}...
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