1,011 datasets found

Keywords: line intensities

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  • ups Her, phi Her & HR 7018 abundances

    Elemental abundances analyses are performed for the Mercury-Manganese stars {upsilon} Her, {phi} Her, and HR 7018 consistent with previous studies of this series using...
  • Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) emission lines

    High-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), which provided continuous wavelength coverage from 5500{AA} to 8500{AA} and partial...
  • NIR H lines in TTS

    Paschen {beta} and/or Bracket {gamma} emission line profiles were obtained for a sample of 50 T Tauri stars mostly from the Taurus-Auriga complex. The tables presented here...
  • Li-rich giants atomic lines

    A detailed analysis has been carried out for a sample of 16 red giants showing a strong Li I 670.8nm line. Ten of them were detected in a survey by Castilho et al....
  • Elemental abundances of Deneb

    This study presents a detailed model atmosphere abundance analysis of Deneb which was performed using Kurucz LTE ATLAS9 model atmospheres. The atmospheric parameters were...
  • Abundances of field BHB star candidates

    New spectroscopic observations are presented for a sample of thirty-one blue horizontal branch (BHB) star candidates that are sufficiently nearby to have reliable proper...
  • Chemical abundances in 7 red giants

    Chemical abundances of about fifteen elements from oxygen to europium are measured in seven red giants of the two open clusters NGC 2360 and NGC 2447. The effective temperatures...
  • Equivalent widths of 9 stars of M 67

    High-resolution spectra of six core helium-burning `clump' stars and three giants in the open cluster M 67 have been obtained with the SOFIN spectrograph on the Nordic Optical...
  • Line-strength predictions in Elliptical Galaxies

    This table shows the line-strength predictions computed for: CaT, NaI, and MgI in the near infrared and Mgb, Mg2, Fe52, Fe53, NaD and H{beta}, in the blue-visible range, for...
  • CNO abundances in carbon stars

    The lines of ^12^CO, ^12^C^12^C, and ^12^CN used in the analysis are listed in the table. The stars analyzed here are TX Psc, V Aql, and BL Ori, and the lines selected for the...
  • ROSAT obs. of T Tauri stars in MBM 12

    We present the ROSAT PSPC pointed and ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS, Cat. ) observations and the results of our low and high spectral resolution optical follow-up observations of...
  • Abundances of halo early-type stars

    We present echelle (R~40,000) spectroscopic observations for a sample of apparently normal, high Galactic latitude, early-type stars drawn from the Palomar-Green Survey. The...
  • V723 Cas equivalent widths

    The monitoring of spectral evolution of the very slow nova V723 Cas started at the Asiago Astrophysical Observatory just on the announcement of discovery. In this paper the...
  • Upper Scorpius OB association Lithium survey

    We present the results of an intermediate resolution spectroscopic survey for pre-main sequence (PMS) stars in the Upper Scorpius OB association. In a 160 square-degree area we...
  • K & M giants equivalent widths

    The analyses of high resolution infrared spectra have been done for CN lines in oxygen-rich cool evolved stars including 2 K giants, 20 M giants and 1 S-type star. Since CN...
  • Abundances of 9 solar-type stars

    Line identifications, measured equivalent widths and derived chemical abundances in 9 solar-type dwarf stars, which are identified by their Bright Star (HR, (Cat. )) numbers.
  • T Tau Stars

    We present results of a study to investigate the spatial distribution of X-ray active young stellar objects near the Lupus star forming region (SFR). In this SFR, a recent study...
  • C_2_ Phillips and CN Red bands in HD 56126

    We present the detection of molecular absorption lines in the optical spectrum of the post-AGB star HD 56126. The C_2_ Phillips A^1^{PI}u-X^1^{SIGMA}^+^g(1,0), (2,0), and (3,0);...
  • Chemical Composition of alf UMi and V473 Lyr

    The spectrograms of the s-Cepheids alpha-UMi and HR 7308, taken at reciprocal dispersion of 9 A/mm with the Main Stellar Spectrograph at the Special Astrophysical Observatory's...
  • Chemical evolution of the galactic disk I.

    From high resolution, high S/N spectroscopic observations of carefully selected northern and southern stars, abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Y, Zr, Ba and Nd,...
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