104 datasets found

Keywords: virtual observatories

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  • EVN Data Archive TAP service

    The EVN Data Archive's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data....
  • EVN Data Archive Registry

    The publishing registry for the EVN Data Archive.
  • JacobsUni EPN TAP service

    The JacobsUni EPN's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It...
  • JacobsUni EPN Registry

    The publishing registry for the JacobsUni EPN.
  • DaCHS Server for LMD Registry

    The publishing registry for the DaCHS Server for LMD.
  • ADQL Query

    An endpoint for submitting ADQL queries to the data center and retrieving the result in various forms.
  • IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center Registry

    The publishing registry for the IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center.
  • IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center TAP service

    The IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata,...
  • GEOPS/IPSL DaCHS Server Registry

    The publishing registry for the GEOPS/IPSL DaCHS Server.
  • GEOPS/IPSL DaCHS Server TAP service

    The GEOPS/IPSL DaCHS Server's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own...
  • INAF IA2 Group Membership Service

    Authorisation (groups) management service for the INAF IA2 - Italian Center for Astronomical Archives.
  • OCA Data Center TAP service

    The OCA Data Center's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload...
  • INAF-OATs VESPA Data Service Hub TAP service

    The INAF-OATs VESPA Data Service Hub's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various...
  • CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server TAP service

    The CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload...
  • PDS-PPI VO server Registry

    The publishing registry for the PDS-PPI VO server.
  • ADQL Query

    An endpoint for submitting ADQL queries to the data center and retrieving the result in various forms.
  • PDS-PPI VO server TAP service

    The PDS-PPI VO server's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data....
  • KIS Science Data Centre TAP service

    The KIS Science Data Centre's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own...
  • KIS Science Data Centre Registry

    The publishing registry for the KIS Science Data Centre.
  • The GAVO ADQL Course

    A short course on the VO's SQL-like query language, the Astronomical Data Query Language. It also covers basic operation of some TAP user agents. It is available as a multipage...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).