94 datasets found

Keywords: f stars

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  • Period spacings in gamma Dor stars

    The analysis of stellar oscillations is one of the most reliable ways to probe stellar interiors. Recent space missions such as Kepler have provided us with an opportunity to...
  • Model SDSS colors for halo stars

    We analyze a sample of tens of thousands of spectra of halo turnoff stars, obtained with the optical spectrographs of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), to characterize the...
  • HD113337 radial velocity

    In the frame of the search for extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around early-type main-sequence stars, we present the detection of a giant planet around the young F-type star...
  • {gamma} Dor stars from Kepler

    The launches of the MOST, CoRoT, and Kepler missions opened up a new era in asteroseismology, the study of stellar interiors via interpretation of pulsation patterns observed at...
  • Abundances of F-G main-sequence stars

    Detailed chemical abundances of volatile and refractory elements have been discussed in the context of terrestrial-planet formation during in past years. The HARPS-GTO...
  • HD 50844 observed by CoRoT

    This work presents the results obtained on HD 50844, the only delta Sct star observed in the CoRoT Initial Run (57.6d). The aim of these CoRoT observations was to investigate...
  • Abundances of 20 F-G disk stars

    We present Mn, Co and Eu abundances for a sample of 20 disk F and G dwarfs and subgiants with metallicities between -0.8 and +0.3. We investigate the influence of hyperfine...
  • FeII, ZNI and SI abundances on halo stars

    The table gives equivalent widths (in m{AA}) for 19 FeII lines, two ZnI lines, and four SI lines, as measured in high resolution VLT/UVES spectra of 34 metal-poor, main sequence...
  • Rotation in F-stars

    We obtained high quality spectra of 135 stars of spectral types F and later and derived "overall" broadening functions in selected wavelength regions utilizing a Least Squares...
  • Li abundances and velocities in F and G stars

    Lithium abundances have been determined in 127 F and G Pop I stars based on new measurements of the equivalent width of the {lambda}6707{AA} Li I line from their high resolution...
  • Rotational velocities of F and G stars

    We present a detailed study of rotation and differential rotation analyzing high resolution high S/N spectra of 142 F-, G- and early K-type field stars. Using Least Squares...
  • Eu abundances in F and G disk stars

    Europium abundances for 74 F and G dwarf stars of the galactic disk have been determined. The stars were selected from the sample of Edvardsson et al. (1993, Cat. ) and [Eu/Fe]...
  • Photometric Atlas of Procyon for 314-747 nm

    This atlas contains intensities, expressed in terms of the continuum as 100, in steps of 5 milli Angstroem of the F5 star Procyon. The spectral range is from 3140 to 7469.995...
  • Colors of F and G dwarfs

    Synthetic spectra have been computed for F and G dwarf stars, using a number of values of chemical abundances, Doppler broadening velocity and damping constants. Filter...
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