Transforming perspectives: Technology to support the teaching and learning of...
This project will establish an interdisciplinary network in order to develop strategies for technology-enhanced teaching and learning of 'threshold concepts' in higher... -
Towards dialogue: A linguistic ethnographic study of classroom interaction an...
Dialogue has been shown to be an effective means for the development of pupil learning, critical thinking and reading comprehension. But although recent policies have promoted... -
Domain specific systems in infant processing of emotion expressions
This series of studies aims to examine the ways in which young infants (14 months old) use the emotional expressions of other people to help them learn about the world around... -
Time and interventions in children's causal structure learning
Imagine that you encounter three events A, B and C that tend to occur together. What are the relationships between A, B, and C? One possibility is that A causes B and B causes... -
SynergyNet: Supporting Collaborative Learning in an Immersive Environment
This interdisciplinary work will develop software to run and evaluate an exciting and innovative 'Interactive Immersive Classroom' called 'SynergyNet'. Critically, whilst... -
Dual process models of sequence learning and serial reaction time tasks
How do we learn sequences? In some cases people may be aware of the rules that determine a sequence (eg traffic lights), in others not (eg as the current song on a CD ends,... -
Effects of input on early word learning
This study is designed to provide an ecologically valid test of the role of input characteristics on infant word form recognition, the first step in word learning. The input... -
Personal Inquiry (PI): Designing for Evidence-based Inquiry Learning across F...
The aim of this project is to support children aged 11-14 in coming to understand themselves and their world through a new approach of scripted inquiry learning. With the aid of... -
The Net Generation encountering e-learning at University
The aim of the research is to provide an empirically based understanding of the Net Generation as they enter university. The research uses a mixture of survey methods, interview... -
Learning Lives Project - Adult learner interview transcripts
Learning Lives is a major longitudinal study which aims to deepen understanding of the meaning and significance of formal and informal learning in the lives of adults. What... -
Young children copy cumulative technological design in the absence of action ...
The data are gained from a behavioural experiment, for which we adapted the spaghetti tower task, a task that was previously used to test for accumulation of culture in human... -
The acquisition of print-to-meaning links in reading: An investigation using ...
The data collection consists of behavioural measures of performance in laboratory studies in which adults learn to read in novel languages printed in artificial scripts. These... -
Information feedback and contest structure in rent-seeking games
We investigate the effects of information feedback in rent-seeking games with two different contest structures. In the share contest a contestant receives a share of the rent... -
Pedagogy of methodological learning: Expert panel interviews and methods teac...
These data comprise qualitative transcripts from semi-structured individual interviews with eight international experts in social science research methods teaching as part of... -
The AgeGuess database on chronological and perceived ages of people aged 3-10...
The here presented perceived age data span birth cohorts from the years 1877 to 2014. Since 2012 the database has grown to now contain around 200,000 perceived age guesses. More... -
Evidence for systematicity in infant and toddler curiosity-driven object expl...
The overall goal of this award was to understand how babies learn when allowed to explore their environment based on their own curiosity, outside the constrained experimental... -
International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: Learned Labe...
Eyetracking data collected from 10-month-old infants, stimuli and analysis scripts. In this study 10-month-old infants were trained over the course of a week with two 3D... -
International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: All the Righ...
Eyetracking data collected from two-year-old infants, stimuli and analysis scripts. In the current study we tested whether background variability could boost word learning in a... -
International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: Training Stu...
A central question in language acquisition is how children master sentence types that they have seldom, if ever, heard. Here we report the findings of a preregistered,... -
International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: Multiple Cu...
It has long been claimed that the child’s experience of language is not sufficient to enable them to learn language, and so language structure must be innate and internal to the...