Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2015
The survey “Health on equal terms?” is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2015: Kohort
The survey “Health on equal terms?” is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Malmö Offspring Study - Malmö Familjestudie
The steering group for Malmö Offspring Study: Peter Nilsson, Lund University, Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö, Internal Medicine Research Unit Olle Melander, Lund... -
H70, kohort 3: 70-åringar födda 1911/12
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 4: 75-åringar födda 1915/16
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 5: 70-åringar födda 1922
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 6: 70-åringar födda 1930
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 7: 70-åringar födda 1944
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2016
The survey "Health on equal terms?" is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Stockholms Diabetes Preventiva Program (SDPP): Baslinjeundersökning
Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Programme is a population based survey in which 3128 men and 4821 women (between the ages 35-56) from five municipalities of Stockholm County... -
Stockholms Diabetes Preventiva Program (SDPP): Uppföljning år 2003-2006
Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Programme is a population based survey in which 3128 men and 4821 women (between the ages 35-56) from five municipalities of Stockholm County... -
Stockholms Diabetes Preventiva Program (SDPP): Uppföljning år 2014-2017
Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Programme is a population based survey in which 3128 men and 4821 women (between the ages 35-56) from five municipalities of Stockholm County... -
Svenska grundskollärares hälsa och välbefinnande i arbetet 1978
The study 'Swedish teachers' health and well-being' is included in the project 'Work, health and well-being in teachers and school leaders in public school and in teachers in... -
PART - Psykisk hälsa - Arbete - Relationer - PART - Enkätundersökningarna 1-3
To increase knowledge in the field of mental illness the PART study (Mental health, work and relationships) was started, an epidemiological study on psychological morbidity... -
Effekter av ett friår - Friårslediga
From 1 February 2002 until 31 December 2004, a free-year trial was conducted in twelve municipalities in Sweden. Employees could apply for a free sabbatical year (a period... -
Effekter av ett friår - Vikarier
From 1 February 2002 until 31 December 2004, a free-year trial was conducted in twelve municipalities in Sweden. Employees could apply for a free sabbatical year (a period... -
Effekter av ett friår - Respondenter som ansökt men ej beviljats friårsledigt
From 1 February 2002 until 31 December 2004, a free-year trial was conducted in twelve municipalities in Sweden. Employees could apply for a free sabbatical year (a period... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 1
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 2
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 3
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,...