Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2016-2017: Special Licence Access, Victim ...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) is a social survey which asks people about their experiences... -
Crime Survey for England and Wales 2017-2018
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) asks a sole adult in a random sample of households about... -
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2017-2018
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) is a social survey which asks people about their experiences... -
Eyewitness testimony by adults with autism spectrum disorder
People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be over-represented in the Criminal Justice System, as a victim, witness, or even perpetrator of a crime. They have... -
Understanding experiences of hate crime victimisation and expectations of cri...
This is a collection of data from the Leicester Hate Crime Project. It includes interview transcripts, survey data, reports, blogs, presentations, end of project conference... -
Public perceptions of and confidence in the community justice court
This data was collected as part of a larger project which was a case study of a community justice court (CJC) located within the Magistrates' Courts in a large city in England.... -
The implementation of the Transforming Rehabilitation agenda in one case stud...
This research draws on observation and interview-based research that took place between March 2014 until June 2015 to capture, in one case study area, the experience of staff... -
Lives sentenced: The punishment careers of persistent offenders, Round 1
The data consists of 37 interview transcripts from the first round of Lives Sentenced research. Interviews with thirteen incarcerated men, nine men in the community, twelve... -
Lives Sentenced: Life history interviews with men and women who have experien...
The data consists of 17 interview transcripts from the second round of Lives Sentenced research. Interviews with six incarcerated men, five men in the community, five... -
Mock juror perceptions of credibility and culpability in an autistic defendan...
One-hundred-and-sixty-one jury-eligible participants read a vignette describing a male who was brought to the attention of police for suspicious and aggressive behaviours and... -
Perceived credibility of autistic witnesses and the effect of diagnostic info...
One-hundred-and-twenty-five mock jurors rated the credibility of video testimony of 17 autistic and 17 TD witness participants recalling an event. Half of the juror participants... -
Interviewing autistic adults: Adaptations to support recall in police, employ...
The current study tested the efficacy of different prompting techniques to support autistic adults’ recall of specific personal memories. Thirty autistic and 30 typically... -
Prisoners on Cockatoo Island, Sydney 1847-1869
This dataset lists inmates incarcerated at Cockatoo Island prison in Sydney (Australia) between 1847-1869. It offers insights into how the colonial criminal justice system... -
Historic approaches to policing suspicious behaviour in Britain and their con...
Despite growing understanding of the police regulation of the urban sphere in nineteenth-century Britain, there is limited understanding of how this type of police was delivered... -
Supporting Autistic Adults’ Episodic Memory Recall in Interviews: The Role of...
Autistic people have difficulties recalling episodic memories, including retrieving fewer or less specific and detailed memories compared to typically developing (TD) people.... -
Covid-19 and Probation's Health-Related Practice, 2020-2021
This collection includes 27 qualitative surveys completed by probation staff in England about their perceptions of the impact of the response to Covid-19 on their health-related... -
Utilising Rapid Responsive Qualitative Research in Informing Criminal Justice...
The aim of the research was also to be able to identify good practice and make policy and practice recommendations to the criminal justice system in responding to domestic abuse... -
Criminal Cases Review Commission: Legal Aid and Legal Representatives, 2019-2021
The dataset includes a set of transcripts of interviews with legal practitioners (Legal Executives, Solicitors, Barristers) who were involved in assisting applicants to the... -
Distant Voices: Coming Home - Participant Interviews, 2017-2019
This data set comprises transcripts of audio-recorded semi-structured interviews with participants in 2-day or 3-day collaborative songwriting workshops (which we refer to as...