1,011 datasets found

Keywords: line intensities

Filter Results
  • z=1-3 ULIRGs from the Spitzer SWIRE survey

    High-redshift ultra luminous infrared galaxies contribute the bulk of the cosmic IR background and are the best candidates for very massive galaxies in formation at z>1.5. It...
  • VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars

    We present an analysis of high-resolution FLAMES spectra of approximately 50 early B-type stars in three young clusters at different metallicities, NGC 6611 in the Galaxy, N 11...
  • Abundances of Sgr dSph stars

    The Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy is the nearest neighbor of the Milky Way. Moving along a short period quasi-polar orbit within the Halo, it is being destroyed by the...
  • Element abundances of 7 stars of NGC 6253

    We have carried out a big FLAMES survey of 10 Galactic open clusters aiming at different goals. One of them is the determination of chemical abundances, in order to put...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441

    We present an analysis of FLAMES-Giraffe spectra for several bright giants in NGC 6441, to investigate the presence and extent of the Na-O anticorrelation in this anomalous...
  • H{alpha} equivalent widths of 36 Lyn (HD 79158)

    This paper reports the photospheric, magnetic and circumstellar gas characteristics of the magnetic B8p star 36 Lyncis (HD 79158). Using archival data and new polarised and...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441

    The aim of the present work is to determine accurate metallicities for a group of red giant branch stars in the field of the bulge Globular Cluster NGC 6441. This is the third...
  • H{alpha} surface photometry in nearby clusters

    We present the H{alpha} imaging observations of 273 late-type galaxies in the nearby rich galaxy clusters Virgo, A 1367, Coma, Cancer, Hercules and in the Great Wall, carried...
  • Nearby early-type gal. with ionized gas. II.

    Rampazzo et al., 2005, Cat. (Paper I) presented a data-set of line-strength indices for 50 early-type galaxies in the nearby Universe. The galaxy sample is biased toward...
  • Spectroscopy of HD 45166

    The binary star HD 45166 has been observed since 1922 but its orbital period has not yet been found. It is considered a peculiar Wolf-Rayet star, and its assigned classification...
  • Reddening and metallicity of NGC 6752

    Accurate reddenings for Globular Clusters could be obtained by comparing the colour-temperature obtained using temperatures from reddening-free indicator (H{alpha}), with that...
  • Chemical abundances in 43 metal-poor stars

    We have derived abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni and Ba for 43 metal-poor field stars in the solar neighbourhood, most of them subgiants or...
  • Equivalent widths of 7 thin-disk stars

    In Papers I (del Peloso et al. 2005, Cat. ) and II (2005A&A...434..301D) we performed the first determination of the age of the Galactic thin disk from Th/Eu...
  • Wolf-Rayet population in M83

    We present a catalogue of non-nuclear regions containing Wolf-Rayet stars in the metal-rich spiral galaxy M 83 (NGC 5236). From a total of 283 candidate regions identified using...
  • PHOENIX model chromospheres of M dwarfs

    We present an extensive identification catalog of chromospheric emission lines in the optical range. The data were obtained with ESO's Kueyen telescope equipped with the UVES...
  • Equivalent widths of 5 giants in 47 Tuc

    High resolution spectra of 5 giants, including a horizontal branch star, of the metal-rich globular cluster 47 Tucanae were obtained with the UVES spectrograph at the 8m VLT...
  • Abundances of BHB stars in NGC 1904

    The abundance measurements are based on high-resolution optical spectroscopical data, obtained during 2 observing runs with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph...
  • NIR spectroscopy of luminous IR galaxies

    We report on near-infrared medium-resolution spectroscopy of a sample of luminous and ultra luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs-ULIRGs), carried out with SOFI at the ESO 3.5m New...
  • B-type Supergiants in the SMC

    High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra are presented for nine B-type supergiants in the SMC, chosen on the basis that they may show varying amounts of nuclear-synthetically processed...
  • UBV(RI)c photometry of stars around V838 Mon

    Extensive optical and infrared photometry as well as low and high resolution spectroscopy are used as inputs in deriving robust estimates of the reddening, distance and nature...
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