159 datasets found

Keywords: radio spectroscopy

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  • Cyano- to methanol and ammonia observations

    As part of an effort to study gas-grain chemical models in star-forming regions as they relate to molecules containing cyanide (-C{\equiv}N) groups, we present here a search for...
  • The submillimeter spectrum of glycolaldehyde

    Glycolaldehyde (HOCH_2_CHO) is a sugar-related interstellar prebiotic molecule that has been detected in two star-forming regions, Sgr B2(N) and G31.41+0.31. Glycolaldehyde is...
  • DISCS. I. Taurus protoplanetary disk data

    Chemistry plays an important role in the structure and evolution of protoplanetary disks, with implications for the composition of comets and planets. This is the first of a...
  • Rotational spectrum and DCOOCH_3_ in Orion

    New centimeter-wave (7-80GHz) and submillimeter-wave (580-661GHz) spectra of a deuterated species of methyl formate (DCOOCH_3_) have been measured. Transitions with a maximum...
  • CN and CO observations toward AGB stars

    A survey of the ^12^C/^13^C ratio toward circumstellar envelopes has been conducted at millimeter wavelengths using the facilities of the Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO). The...
  • Molecular line survey of CRL 618

    We present the complete data set, model, and line identification of a survey of the emission from the C-rich proto-planetary nebula CRL 618 performed with the IRAM 30m telescope...
  • Technosignature Search of 97 Nearby Galaxies

    The Breakthrough Listen search for intelligent life is, to date, the most extensive technosignature search of nearby celestial objects. We present a radio technosignature search...
  • OB-stars observed at 1450MHz

    Radio observation is crucial to understanding the wind mechanism of OB stars but very scarce. This work estimates the flux at 1450MHz (S1.4GHz) of about 5000 OB stars identified...
  • 12 transiting Kepler exoplanet properties

    Agrowing avenue for determining the prevalence of life beyond Earth is to search for "technosignatures" from extraterrestrial intelligences/agents. Technosignatures require...
  • Searching in HI for Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

    A search has been made for 21cm HI line emission in a total of 350 unique galaxies from two samples whose optical properties indicate they may be massive. The first consists of...
  • Molecular clouds in section of 3rd galactic quadrant

    We present results of cloud catalogs of 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (J=1-0) in a section of the third Galactic quadrant over (195{deg}<l<220{deg}, |b|<5{deg}) from the Milky...
  • VLA observation of 50 z~1.65 quasars

    We discuss a probe of the contribution of wind-related shocks to the radio emission in otherwise radio-quiet quasars. Given (1) the nonlinear correlation between UV and X-ray...
  • 3627 International Celestial Reference Frame sources

    The third iteration of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF3) is made up of 4536 quasars observed at S/X bands using very-long-baseline interferometry. These...
  • MACS J1447.4+0827 multiwavelength study

    Clusters of galaxies are outstanding laboratories for understanding the physics of supermassive black hole (SMBH) feedback. Here we present the first Chandra, Karl G. Jansky...
  • Protoplanetary disk masses in Taurus

    Measuring the masses of protoplanetary disks is crucial for understanding their planet-forming potential. Typically, dust masses are derived from (sub-)millimeter flux density...
  • CARMA 1 cm spectral line survey of Orion-KL

    Orion-KL is a well-known high-mass star-forming region that has long been the target of spectral line surveys and searches for complex molecules. One spectral window where the...
  • Dust clumps in the Galactic Plane

    We present imaging observations of continuum emission from interstellar dust at 850 and 1200um of a section of the Galactic Plane covering 2deg^2^ centered at l=44{deg}....
  • U Her and RR Aql 22GHz spectra

    Water maser emission is often found in the circumstellar envelopes of evolved stars, that is, asymptotic-giant-branch stars and red supergiants with oxygen-rich chemistry. The...
  • ALMA spectral surveys of C-rich AGB stars

    Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are major contributors to the chemical enrichment of the ISM through nucleosynthesis and extensive mass loss. Most of our current knowledge...
  • H-MM1 and Oph D deuterated ammonia spectra

    We determine the ortho/para ratios of NH_2_D and NHD_2_ in two dense, starless cores, where their formation is supposed to be dominated by gas-phase reactions, which, in turn,...
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