129 datasets found

Keywords: optical observation

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  • Star formation in the Vela Molecular Ridge

    Most stars born in clusters and recent results suggest that star formation (SF) preferentially occurs in subclusters. Studying the morphology and SF history of young clusters is...
  • Cool stars chromospheric activity catalog

    Chromospheric activity monitoring of a wide range of cool stars can provide valuable information on stellar magnetic activity and its dependence on fundamental stellar...
  • Spectroscopic parameters of stars (SPECIES). I.

    The detection and subsequent characterisation of exoplanets are intimately linked to the characteristics of their host star. Therefore, it is necessary to study the star in...
  • VLT/NaCo Large program. IV. Statistical analysis

    Understanding the formation and evolution of giant planets (>1M_Jup_) at wide orbital separation (>5AU) is one of the goals of direct imaging. Over the past 15 years, many...
  • Merging groups and clusters from the SDSS data

    Galaxy groups and clusters are the main tools to test cosmological models and to study the environmental effect of galaxy formation. This work aims to provide a catalogue of...
  • Friends-of-friends galaxy group finder

    We improve the widely used friends-of-friends (FoF) group finding algorithm with membership refinement procedures and apply the method to a combined dataset of galaxies in the...
  • Exoplanet hosts/field stars age consistency

    Transiting planets around stars are discovered mostly through photometric surveys. Unlike radial velocity surveys, photometric surveys do not tend to target slow rotators,...
  • X-Shooter Spectral Library (XSL). DR1

    We present the first release of XSL, the X-Shooter Spectral Library observed at the European Southern Observatory (ESO). This release contains 237 stars spanning the wavelengths...
  • Fitted proper motions for the DR solution

    We propose new estimates of the secular aberration drift, mainly due to the rotation of the Solar System about the Galactic center, based on up-to-date VLBI observations and and...
  • Galactic Bulge Valinhos Observatory Catalog

    The definition, construction and realization of a reference system is one of the oldest and most fundamental tasks of astronomy. Currently, the ICRS (International Celestial...
  • Earth Orientation Catalog 4 (EOC-4)

    The astrometric ground-based observations of latitude / universal time variations, covering the interval 1899.7-2003.0, were used in combination with Hipparcos / Tycho positions...
  • Radio source selection for the ICRF

    The most accurate realization of a quasi inertial reference frame, the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF), is made of 212 defining extragalactic radio sources whose...
  • Combined astrometric catalogue EOC-3

    In the past, we collected the astrometric observations of latitude/universal time variations made worldwide at 33 observatories. These observations, referred to Hipparcos...
  • Calibrator stars for 200m baseline interferometry

    We present a catalog of reference stars suitable for calibrating infrared interferometric observations. In the K band, visibilities can be calibrated with a precision of 1% on...
  • Catalogue of calibrator stars for LBSI

    Long baseline stellar interferometry shares with other techniques the need for calibrator stars in order to correct for instrumental and atmospheric effects. We present a...
  • Gaia FGK benchmark stars v2.1

    In this era of large spectroscopic surveys of stars of the Milky Way, pipelines need to be tested and validated against a set of well-known stars. The Gaia FGK benchmark stars...
  • MDFC Version 10

    We present the Mid-infrared stellar Diameters and Fluxes compilation Catalogue (MDFC) dedicated to long-baseline interferometry at mid-infrared wavelengths (3-13um). It gathers...
  • JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalogue - JSDC. Version 2

    This catalogue contains stellar angular diameter estimates for nearly all the stars of the Hipparcos and Tycho catalogue that have an associated spectral type in Simbad/CDS. The...
  • AKARI Far-Infrared Surveyor YSO catalog

    We demonstrate the use of the AKARI all-sky survey photometric data in the study of galactic star formation. Our aim was to select young stellar objects (YSOs) in the AKARI...
  • JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalogue - JSDC

    This catalogue contains stellar angular diameter estimate for bright stars, complete for all stars with Hipparcos parallaxes. The JMMC Calibrator Workgroup has long developed...
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