GLOBAL French-Portuguese Dictionary - MLDS (ELEXIS)
A general language French to Portuguese dictionary. -
Academic Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language (ELEXIS)
Словарь современного русского литературного языка. This is the largest completed Academic dictionary of the Russian language. It spans 17 volumes and covers the vocabulary from... -
Dictionary of Slovenian Phrasemes - SSF (ELEXIS)
Slovar slovenskih frazemov. The 3,002 entries of this dictionary cover the description and explanation of 13,125 Slovenian phrasemes. The use of phrasemes is represented by... -
School Dictionary of the Croatian Language (ELEXIS)
Školski rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. The printed edition of the School Dictionary of the Croatian Language was published in 2012 as a result of the project Croatian Normative...