Östergötland Västanstång: studier över det äldre agrarlandskapet och dess urs...
This study is an investigation of the agrarian landscape in the western part of Ostergotland County (in Sweden). The study was published in the form of a dissertation in Human... -
GIS-baserad Tidsmodell. Göteborg, 1960-2015
The GIS-based Time model of Gothenburg aims to map the process of urban development in Gothenburg since 1960 and in particular to document the changes in the spatial form of the... -
Klimathistorisk databas för Sverige 1500-1870
Information about weather-related conditions in Sweden during the period 1500-1870 has been extracted from various historical documents. The information is presented as cited... -
Landanvändningstyper i sydvästra Etiopien, 1974 - 2011
This data set contains land use types for 246 fields in Gera district in Southwestern Ethiopia. I collected this data in 2011 as part of a PhD project. Twenty-one smallholding... -
San José Urban Areas Survey by Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Educ...
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
Future land system scenarios for the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean region faces significant challenges to supply its growing population with food and living space. The region’s potential to do so in the future is even more... -
European land system map
This land system map is a comprehensive and high resolution representation of European land systems on a 1-km2 grid integrating important land use and landscape characteristics.... -
Global Spatial Distribution on Forest Classes and Uses
Forests provide numerous ecosystem services, such as timber yields, biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation. The type of management has an effect on the provision... -
Dyna-CLUE land use model: updated multi-region application
The Conversion of Land Use and its Effects modeling framework (CLUE) was developed to simulate land use change using empirically quantified relations between land use and its... -
Global patterns of land use decision-making
This dataverse present a collection of global land use decision-making patterns spatial distributions. The collection consists of probabilities for two different objectives... -
Local land-use decision making data
This dataverse contains the data on 758 decision making in local land use change cases. It is a result of an extensive literature review. -
Mediterranean Land Systems Spatial Distribution
In the Mediterranean region, land systems have been shaped gradually through centuries. They provide services to a large and growing population in a region that is among the... -
A spatially explicit representation of conservation agriculture for applicati...
Conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted as a sustainable agricultural management strategy and proposed to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation through... -
Implementing SSPs in CLUMondo
Storylines for each of the SSP scenarios 1 – ‘Sustainability’, 2 – ‘Middle of the Road’ and 3 – ‘Regional Rivalry’ were implemented in CLUMondo in order to simulate land use... -
Analysis of the ecosystem services of mangrove to aquaculture and fisheries i...
In this study, which will cover six provinces in south Vietnam, we expect to find out the optimal level of mangrove coverage for shrimp farming systems, considering the benefits... -
Treibhausgaseffekte von Landnutzung
Drei Viertel der eisfreien Landoberfläche stehen unter forst- und landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung. Auf etwa einem Viertel hat Landnutzung die Landbedeckung verändert. Auf... -
Rolle der Savannen der Erde und ihre Gefährdung
Tropische Savannen bedecken ca 20% der Landoberfläche und sind durch die Koexistenz von Gräsern und holziger Vegetation definiert. Savannen stellen viele... -
Klimawandel und Vegetationsdynamik im Hochgebirge
Die typischerweise niedrigwüchsige Hochgebirgsvegetation oberhalb der Baumgrenze ist von den Tropen bis in die Polarregionen verbreitet, aber häufig nur...