Moisture and density (MAD) from IODP Hole 386-M0081D
Moisture and density (MAD) data from discrete samples from the above given hole of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 (Japan Trench Paleoseismology).... -
Moisture and density (MAD) from IODP Hole 386-M0081C
Moisture and density (MAD) data from discrete samples from the above given hole of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 (Japan Trench Paleoseismology).... -
Moisture and density (MAD) from IODP Hole 386-M0081B
Moisture and density (MAD) data from discrete samples from the above given hole of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 (Japan Trench Paleoseismology).... -
Moisture and density (MAD) from IODP Hole 386-M0081A
Moisture and density (MAD) data from discrete samples from the above given hole of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 (Japan Trench Paleoseismology).... -
Composite dry bulk density profile of sediment cores 340-TC1, 340-PC1, and 33...
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Dry bulk density profile of sediment core 340-TC1 from Lake Baikal, Russia
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Dry bulk density profile of sediment core 340-PC1 from Lake Baikal, Russia
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Dry bulk density profile of sediment core 333-PC2 from Lake Baikal, Russia
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Mercury from sediment short core EN18232-1 of Lake Khamra, SW Yakutia, Siberi...
The datafile presents total mercury concentrations (THg, given in µg/kg) of all subsamples (n=39) of sedimentary short core EN18232-1. All measurements were carried out at the... -
Total carbon, dry bulk density, and SST and phosphate reconstructions from se...
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A data compilation for soil conditions from the Tibetan Plateau
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Middle to late Eocene carbonate accumulation rates of ODP Site 199-1218
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Total organic carbon, biogenic silica concentrations, total nitrogen concentr...
Total organic carbon (TOC), biogenic silica (BSi) concentrations, total nitrogen (TN) concentrations and carbon nitrogen ratios (C/N) from short sediment core, which was taken... -
(Supplementary Table 1) Carbonate accumulation rate dataset of the equatorial...
shipboard = DSDP/ODP/IODP Initial Reports or ProceedingsLyle et al. 2005, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.199.219.2005Leon-Rodriguez 2010, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.10.029 -
(Table 1) Core subdivisions, sedimentation rates, and bulk mass accumulation ...
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Physical properties of sediment core LV28-34-2
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Sediment properties in drained lake basins in northern Alaska, August 2018
These data originate from a field survey in early August 2018 in the Teshekpuk Lake region on the Alaskan North Slope. We sampled surface sediment in drained lake basins.... -
Inorganic and organic carbon survey in surface soils of a Wadden Sea mainland...
Vegetated coastal ecosystems have been increasingly recognized for their capacity to sequester organic carbon in their soils and sediments under the term blue carbon. The... -
Tropical agricultural soil carbon dynamics and related physicochemical proper...
Soil pits were dug and sampled by horizon using National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) methods at 20 locations chosen to represent the heterogeneity of soils present. The... -
Stratigraphic distribution and the number of planktic foraminifera from IODP ...
Understanding planktic foraminiferal depth habitat along with consistent taxonomic concepts is key to accurate reconstruction of paleoceanographic records. The...