Laguna di Venezia - Italy
Ecosystem Type: Transitional Waters Several stations studied in the frame of various research programs UTM (33T) Coordinates min X 272981 max X 315416; min Y 5006977 max Y... -
Lago Piramide Superiore - Nepal
The lake is located in the Khumbu Valley, Sagarmatha National Park (SNP), Nepal. SNP is situated in the Solu-Khumbu district, in the north-eastern region of Nepal and represents... -
Gran Paradiso National Park - Italy
The site corresponds to the territory of Gran Paradiso National Park. This includes different ecosystems, present along the altitudinal gradient (ca. 800 – 4000 m asl): the... -
IT20 - Central Italy coastal dunes - Italy
This site includes coastal dune ecosystems of Central Italy. The flora and the fauna of the site is highly specialized with a relevant ecological value. On the other side, the... -
PELD-TMSG: Cerrado ecosystems in the region of the Triângulo Mineiro and Sout...
The site consists of 13 Cerrado fragments formed by five conservation areas and 8 remants of semideciduous forests. All these areas are within the basin of the Rio Paranaiba and... -
Lake Biwa - Japan
Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan. The maximum depth is 104 m, and the volume of water storage is 27.5 km3. -
Kiso River - Japan
The Kiso Rivor has 5275 km2 water catchment area and runs in central Japan. The length is 229 km. -
TERN - LTERN - Connell Rainforest Plot Network - Davies Creek - Australia
The Connell Rainforest Plot Network long-term forest dynamics plot of Davies Creek is located in the Dinden National Park circa 25 km southwest of Cairns, Northern Queensland.... -
TERN - LTERN - Connell Rainforest Plot Network - O'Reilly's - Australia
The Connell Rainforest Plot Network is a member of Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN), Australia (http://www.ltern.org.au), a facility of the Australian Government's... -
3M_RECITAL - MINHO, MONDEGO, AND MIRA ESTUARIES observatory: Long term vaRiation of ECOLOGICAL sTAtus as a response to naturaL and human induced changes. Implications for... -
The Mira estuary is a small system (2 km2) located at the Southwestern coast of Portugal that extends between Vila Nova de Milfontes at the mouth and Odemira at its upper limit.... -
LTSER Minho Estuary - Portugal
The Minho River estuary is located in the western Iberian margin (SW Europe), in the border region between the Minho (north of Portugal) and Galicia (Spain) regions. It is... -
AusLTER - Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network - Dharawal National Park, Sydney B...
The Upland Heath Swamps Plot Network is located in the Dharawal National Park, near Sydney, NSW. Sampling of vegetation is stratified along the soil moisture gradient and... -
Tatra Mountains Biosphere Reserve - Poland, Slovakia
The Tatra Mountains are located at the border between Poland and Slovakia in eastern Central Europe. They cover the area of approx. 785 km2, with approximately 78% of their... -
IT11-Himalayan Lakes - Nepal
The site include two high altitude oligomictic lakes located in the Himalayas (Khumbu Valley, Mt. Everest). Those ecosystem lies at ca. 5000 m a.s.l. and have similar... -
IT21 - Lake Trasimeno - Italy
Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, Italy) is a shallow meso-eutrophic lake of a remarkable naturalistic importance (Natura 2000 site, S.C.I., S.P.Z. and Regional Park). Despite its large... -
Šumava mires - Czechia
The peat bogs are the most valuable as well as most sensitive biotopes of the Bohemian Forest. Its mystery and old-time stories are indissolubly connected trough this unique... -
DFG_Biodiversity_Exploratory_Hainich-Duen - Germany
The Hainich-Dün region is situated in the west of Thuringia close to the border to Hessen. It consists of the forest region Hainich in the south, and the Dün region in the... -
DFG_Biodiversity_Exploratory_Schorfheide-Chorin - Germany
The Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin with its sander areas, ground and end moraines is representative for the glacially formed lowlands of northern Germany. Different soil...