Comparison of the Compression Behaviour of BaSnO3 and Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3
We propose to study the effect of pressure on the structure of the tetragonal Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3, The behaviour will be compared to the compression of the cubic BaSnO3 (parent... -
Towards Neutron Scattering of Amorphous Materials in the Gigapascal Regime
Over the past few years, extensive developments have been made in the use of neutron diffraction for structural studies of liquids and amorphous materials at high pressure.... -
The high pressure structures of ammonium fluoride
Ammonium fluoride is an ionic H-bonded analogue of ice. Its behaviour is thus of interest as a comparator for ice. This proposal is for beamtime to make the first neutron study... -
High-pressure structure of ferrosilite FeSiO3 glass
The density-driven structural transformations in ferrosilite glass FeSiO3 will be investigated at pressures increasing to 17.5 GPa. This glass is one of a family of silicate... -
Insulator to metal transition in TiOCl at high pressures
We propose to study the high temperature structure of TiOCl where a pressure induced metal to insulator transition has been reported recently by Kuntscher et al.Due to our... -
The phase stability of alpha-glycine at high pressure
Though the beta and gamma forms of the simplest amino acid, glycine, yield a variety of different phases on application of pressure, Raman data suggest that the most common... -
Neutron Training Course
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Pressure driven phase transitions in antiferroelectric, PbZrO3
Antiferroelectric materials are attracting extensive attention due to their potential in energy storage applications. These materials exhibit a double polarisation-field... -
The quest for fully hydrogen-ordered ice XIV
Water ice displays a remarkably complex phase diagram containing pairs of hydrogen-ordered / disordered phases. Ice XII is a hydrogen-disordered phase and ice XIV is its... -
Local ordering in the pressure-induced order-disorder transition in ammonium ...
Ammonium bromide undergoes a pressure-induced order-disorder transition, where the disordered (plastic) phase is thought to consist of a random distribution of ammonium cations... -
Compressibility and Tilting of Polyhedra within Sr2NiMoO6 at High Pressure
Ordered double perovskites (also known as elpasolites) have the general formula A2BBO6 where A is generally a rare earth metal or alkaline earth metal and where B and B are...