Broadband Neutron Transmission Through Iron
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A Self-consistent Description of the Thermoelastic Properties of Dielectric P...
20 years ago, Anderson proposed that the thermoelastic properties of the dominant (mantle) phase within the Earth, MgSiO3 perovskite, could be described as a simple Debye solid.... -
MuSR investigations of TNO and LLZO diffusion mechanics above room temperature
Li-ion technologies are at the forefront of energy storage applications, including automotive and stationary storage, to meet global demand. TiNb2O7 (TNO) has recently garnered... -
High Temperature μSR Study of Green Dioptase: Muon or Proton Diffusion?
Green dioptase is a naturally occurring mineral, that has a deep green colour, similar to that of an emerald, and with a chemical formula of CuSiO3.H2O. The Cu lies in quasi-1D... -
Chasing the hydrogen-saturated defects in tungsten with Muon spectroscopy
The structure and dynamics of hydrogen (H) defects in tungsten recently become a topic of major interest since this metal has been chosen as shielding material for the next step... -
LF and RF muSR Studies of Polymer Dynamics in Polydimethylsiloxane
Muon spin relaxation will be used to study the dynamical properties of the polymer polydimethylsiloxane. This has emerged as an excellent model system for the study of polymer... -
Electron Spin Relaxation Studies In the 5,7-Br/Cl/I Substituted Aluminium- Hy...
We have recently performed high field ALC measurements on the polycrystalline Metal Tris(Hydroxy-quinolate), MQ3, series in order to further investigate the intrinsic electron... -
Magnetism in NaTiO2
NaTiO2 has been predicted to have a variety of unusual magnetic states, depending sensitively on the details of the crystal structure and interaction strength between the... -
Influence of the cation disorder on the magnetic properties of underdoped cup...
We want to isolate the effects of doping, charge localization and local distortion on the transition from insulating antiferromagnet to superconducting metal in YBCO. We choose... -
Kinetics of lithium ions in high capacity anode for energy storage
The research on energy storage devices such as lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is vital for electric vehicles (EVs), electronic devices and grid-scale energy storage. According to... -
Structural studies of methyl stearate
In order to tackle emissions targets for CO2, there is increasing pressure to replace fossil fuels with renewable fuels. Biodiesel is one such renewable transportation fuel that... -
Nuclear and magnetic structure determination of Ni-Mn-(In-Sn) Heusler alloys
The aim of the present proposal is to relate the macroscopic magnetic properties with the nuclear and magnetic structure of a series of Ni48Mn36In16-xSnx Heusler alloys. These... -
Temperature Dependence of Diamagnetic Muons in Water: A Precursor to Studying...
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Magnetic properties of graphene
Magnetic properties of graphitic compounds are of current interest for both theoretical and experimental research in the fields of condensed matter physics and magnetism. In the... -
Li-diffusion in anode material Li intercalated graphite for Li-ion battery
We would like to propose a muSR experiment on Li intercalated graphite, which is most commonly used for an anode material of Li-ion battery. With charging (discharging)... -
Muonium Charge-State Transition Energies in Si-Ge Alloys
We propose longitudinal muon spin depolarization measurements for two additional samples of Si(1-x)Ge(x) alloys in order to complete our study of the dependence of Mu(-/0)... -
Duplicate Of: Duplicate Of: DINS study of the isotopomers (H_{2}O^{18}) of water
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