Output of sensitivity experiements by aqua-planet AGCM on the latitude and ex...
This is the 6-hourly output data from Aqua-planet experiemnt using AFES.The name of the directories (35,45,55,NF) mean the latitude of the prescribed zonally symmetric SST front... -
Improving the reliability and added value of dynamical downscaling via correc...
WRF model data used in the paper "Improving the reliability and added value of dynamical downscaling via correction of large-scale errors: A Norwegian perspective" in review -
NorESM1-Happi slab ocean climate sensitivity experiments
These experiments are used to calculate the climate sensitivity of NorESM1-Happi with a slab ocean configuration. Consists of a 1850 control simulation with slab ocean q-fluxes... -
Model output for "Reduced effective radiative forcing from cloud-aerosol inte...
This dataset contains the model output (atmospheric component only) used in Blichner, S. M., Sporre, M. K., and Berntsen, T. K.: Reduced effective radiative forcing from... -
Simulations for paper "Changes in the Extratropical Storm Tracks in Response ...
This data set contains the raw model output from the simulations described in Graff, L.S. and J.H. LaCasce, 2012: Changes in the Extratropical Storm Tracks in Response to... -
4xCO2 and CTRL simulations for CESM2-FV2 with COSP
Output from CESM2-FV2 runs. A 250 year control and a 150 4xCO2 run (starting 100 years into the control) with COSP enabled. -
FTI solar geoengineering simulation (CCT) with NorESM1-ME
Data of the Cirrus Cloud Thinning (CCT) simulation with full atm, lnd and cpl outputs from the FTI solar geoengineering project. The coupler history data was used to force the... -
FTI solar geoengineering simulation (MSB) with NorESM1-ME
Data of the Marine Sky Brightening (MSB) simulation with full atm, lnd and cpl outputs from the FTI solar geoengineering project. The coupler history data was used to force the... -
GEF4530: The General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Results from simulation done by master students and PhD students with CAM5. Simulations were done with different scenarii (doubling CO2, etc.) and are store for each academic... -
Annual maximum daily precipitation for the Nordic-Baltic countries
Annual maximum daily precipitation measured at meteorological stations in the Nordic-Baltic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Dataset... -
ECMWF data and GPS-RO satellite data
ECMWF data and GPS-RO satellite data. Both ERA5 and ERA-Interim. GPS-RO data limited to 30S-30N on 5x5 latlon grid -
Data for: Implementing a sectional scheme for early aerosol growth from new p...
Model output for simulations with NorESMv2 for manuscript "Implementing a sectional scheme for early aerosol growth from new particle formation in the Norwegian Earth System... -
VR-CESM 30x8 Europe re-run 1995-01 and 1995-02
Variable Resolution CESM (version 2.2.beta3) outputs (history files, NetCDF format). This dataset is from a re-run and corresponds to the months 1995-01 (for the sake... -
FTI solar geoengineering simulation (RCP4.5) with NorESM1-ME
Data of the RCP4.5 simulation with full atm, lnd and cpl outputs from the FTI solar geoengineering project. The coupler history data was used to force the CLM5-crop simulation... -
Cyclone tracks from ERA-Interim and ASR
The files contain tracks of cyclones based on the ERA-Interim and the ASR reanalyses. A cyclone is detected from filtered vorticity at 850hPa and tracked by the tracking... -
FTI solar geoengineering simulation (RCP8.5) with NorESM1-ME
Data of the RCP8.5 simulation with full atm, lnd and cpl outputs from the FTI solar geoengineering project. The coupler history data was used to force the CLM5-crop simulation... -
VR-CESM 30x8 Europe 1995-01-01 to 2001-12-27
Variable Resolution CESM (version 2.2.beta3) outputs (history files, NetCDF format). This dataset corresponds to the first 6 years of simulation using a Spectral Element grid... -
Upstream of a land-falling Atmospheric River: Its moisture sources and assimi...
Archiving for Masterthesis at University of Oslo -
Intensification of summer precipitation with shorter time-scales in Europe
CESM and WRF model data used in the paper "Intensification of summer precipitation with shorter time-scales in Europe", in review. -
Norwegian hindcast archive's wind power data set (NORA3-WP)
The data set contains wind power related variables for the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and parts of the Barents Sea. The user is encourage to read the README file contained...