The domestic moral economy 1990-2015
(a) Transcribed and translated indigenous vernacular accounts of how life-cycle rituals should be performed, paying particular attention to kin relations and transfers of money... -
Breast awareness among black women in East London 2013-2015
Researchers at Homerton Hospital noticed that while black women are less likely to develop breast cancer than their white counterparts, when they are diagnosed with breast... -
Interviews about experiences of public housing regeneration under Private Fin...
This data collection consists of semi-structured interviews with residents, politicians, consultants and practitioners about experiences of public housing regeneration under... -
Consolidated standards of reporting trials of social and psychological interv...
This collection involves data from a project to develop Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials of Social and Psychological Interventions: CONSORT-SPI. Namely, two phases of... -
Big society? Learning disabilities and civil society. Qualitative data of peo...
Research objectives were tackling though the following AIMS of our empirical work: Data was collected to meet the empirical objectives of the research: 1. To conduct key... -
Self-building in the UK: Interview and survey data
This data collection includes data collected as part of the project Selfbuilding: the production and consumption of new homes from the perspective of households. It includes (1)... -
Evaluating the impacts, effectiveness and success of DECC-funded low carbon c...
This dataset describes the characteristics of the case study households whose energy use was evaluated as part of the EVALOC (evaluating low carbon communities) project. The... -
Extending the NILS: Making a full link to the 1991 Census
The project extended the range of data linked to the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS). Initially, a 28% sample was extracted from the 1991 Census of Population for... -
Working life in York: Survey data
A structured sample survey post living wage implementation of approximately 500 employees employed at the three project partner organisations who earn up to £10 per hour. This... -
Under the same roof: Interview data
This collection consists of 18 anonymised transcripts from qualitative interviews conducted as part of the Under the Same Roof project. The collection consists only of... -
REFIT: Personalised retrofit decision support tools for UK homes using smart ...
The REFIT project investigated the use of smart home technologies and their potential impact on household energy demand. As part of the REFIT project, a national survey was... -
REFIT: Personalised retrofit decision support tools for UK homes using smart ...
This dataset contains qualitative data collected using semi-structured interviews and a structured survey at four time points during the REFIT field trial of smart home... -
The motives and methods of middle-class international property investors
This data collection consists of 18 interview transcripts meant to explore the rationales and methods by which investors in Hong Kong buy properties in the UK. The life and... -
Producing urban asylum. Remaking the asylum dispersal landscape in contempora...
The data comprises of qualitative semi-structured interviews with individuals working in the asylum and refugee sectors of four UK cities - Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow, and... -
Geodemographic classification of commuting flows for England and Wales
A series of flow based classifications of commuting for England and Wales based on MSOA origin-destination data from the 2011 Census. It consists of 9 super-groups and 40... -
PopChange population grids for Britain, 1971-2011
The resource comprises population surfaces generated from publicly available GB Census data for 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 to enable direct comparisons between Censuses.... -
Open Postcode Geo
This data collection consists of UK postcodes with additional geospace fields including easting, northing, latitude, longitude, positional quality indicator, postcode area,... -
Oral histories of homes and daily lives in Stocksbridge and Stevenage
These oral history interviews are from the project 'Adapting infrastructures for a lower carbon society', part of The DEMAND Centre (Dynamics of Energy Mobility and Demand)... -
New urbanisms in India: Urban living, sustainability, everyday life
This data collection consists of interview transcripts, guided walks, drawings, focus groups and photographs. The methodological approach for this project was qualitative,... -
Young people creating belonging: Spaces, sounds and sight
The data in this collection includes material from interviews with 22 participants aged 10-23 (13 men; 9 women) from across Scotland, including urban and remote locations (14...