Flash Eurobarometer 525 (Monitoring the Level of Financial Literacy in the EU)
Financial literacy of EU citizens. Topics: self-rated knowledge about financial matters compared to other adults in the own country; knowledge test: development of savings with... -
Flash Eurobarometer 523 (Integration of Young People into the Labour Market w...
Experience of young people with traineeships. Topics: time needed to find first work experience; main obstacles to finding first work experience; kind of first work experience:... -
histat - data compilation online: Wages and Salaries (Indices) in Germany 191...
In Deutschland werden seit den 1950er-Jahren amtliche Statistiken über die Löhne und Gehälter, die Arbeitszeiten und die Arbeitskosten durchgeführt. Das lohnstatistische... -
System of Social Indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany: Income and I...
The system of social indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany - developed in its original version as part of the SPES project under the direction of Wolfgang Zapf -... -
System of Social Indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany: Application ...
The system of social indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany - developed in its original version as part of the SPES project under the direction of Wolfgang Zapf -... -
Real Wage and Price Development in Germany, 1991 - 2022
Real wage development Wage increases do not inevitably lead to an increase in disposable income due to inflation rates. To classify wage development, real wages are first... -
Current Questions on the Financial Situation (September 2023)
On behalf of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, the opinion research institute forsa conducted a short survey in September 2023 on the attitudes of the... -
Financial Inclusion Index 2023 (Online Survey)
The study on financial inclusion was conducted by Ipsos on behalf of SCHUFA. During the survey period from March to April 2023, German-speaking people aged 16 to 74 living in... -
Die richtige Mischung? Ein randomisiertes Experiment zur Datenqualität bei de...
Der Beitrag untersucht die Datenqualität einer kombinierten Telefon- und Onlinebefragung. Solche Mixed-Mode-Designs werden in der deutschen akademischen Sozialforschung noch... -
Database on European System of Social Indicators, 1950-2013
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
European System of Social Indicators: Public Safety and Crime, 1980-2013
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
Difficultés financières des femmes à Genève - 1990
L'enquête vise à connaître les caractéristiques des femmes pauvres et à brosser un tableau de leur situation. Elle porte sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques, les... -
Wahrnehmung sozialer Ungleichheit. Eine repräsentative Befragung der Schweize...
Im Projekt "Wahrnehmung sozialer Ungleicheit" wurden wissenschaftliche Daten zu einem zentralen sozialpolitischen Thema erhoben, wie sie in dieser Breite (Zahl der... -
Wohnen in der deutschen Schweiz - 1994
The "Immo-Barometer" is a market-oriented research series of the publisher of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It is intended to help consolidate customer loyalty to NZZ in the area of... -
Wohnen in der deutschen Schweiz - 1996
The "Immo-Barometer" is a market-oriented research series of the publisher of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It is intended to help consolidate customer loyalty to NZZ in the area of... -
Wohnen in der deutschen und französischen Schweiz - 2000
The "Immo-Barometer" is a market-oriented research series of the publisher of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It is intended to help consolidate customer loyalty to NZZ in the area of... -
Befragung von Unternehmen zur Erfolgs- und Kapitalbeteiligung von Mitarbeiten...
This study examines the spread of employee participation in profits and capital in Switzerland and the models of participation systems. It also examines how different wage... -
Befragung von unselbständig Angestellten zur Erfolgs- und Kapitalbeteiligung ...
This study examines the spread of employee participation in profits and capital in Switzerland and the models of participation systems. It also examines how different wage... -
Befragung von selbständig und ehemals selbständig Erwerbenden zur Verwendung ...
In der beruflichen Vorsorge können Versicherte die Barauszahlung der Austrittsleistung vor Erreichen des ordentlichen Rentenalters verlangen, wenn sie eine selbständige... -
Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Mütter
The Maury Pasquier postulate (15.3793) invites the Federal Council to present a report on breaks in the employment of pregnant women and to examine whether there is a need for...