Radiocarbon dates of mono-specific planktic foraminifera obtained in sediment...
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Surface ocean reservoir age reconstructions based on mono-specific planktic f...
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Radiocarbon age offsets between mixed benthics and planktic foraminifera in s...
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Ventilation age reconstructions based on mixed benthic foraminiferal 14C date...
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Bottom water oxygenation changes and benthic stable carbon isotope records ob...
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Radiocarbon dates of mixed benthic foraminifera obtained in sediment core MD1...
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Radiocarbon and oxygen ventilation in the deep South Indian Ocean during the ...
Past changes in ocean 14C disequilibria have been suggested to reflect the Southern Ocean control on global exogenic carbon cycling. Yet, the volumetric extent of the glacial... -
Borneo stalagmite SC02 temperature reconstructions over Termination I by the ...
This dataset presents cave temperatures over the last glacial termination from stalagmite SC02 from Secret Cave in Mulu, Northern Borneo (4.063°N, 114.833°E). The temperatures... -
Elemental compostion of sediment core JPC9
In this dataset we present high resolution elemental concentrations of major elements from cores in the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Here we present the... -
Elemental compostion of sediment core JPC32
In this dataset we present high resolution elemental concentrations of major elements from cores in the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Here we present the... -
Elemental compostion of sediment core JPC19
In this dataset we present high resolution elemental concentrations of major elements from cores in the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Here we present the... -
Elemental compostion of sediment cores JPC15 and JPC27
In this dataset we present high resolution elemental concentrations of major elements from cores in the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Here we present the... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment core IDLE-MAT10-2B from Lake Matano in Sulawesi,...
We produced an age model based on radiocarbon dates measured in the 8-m composite Lake Matano sediment core that spans the last deglaciation. There are 11 radiocarbon ages in... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment core IDLE-TOW10-9B rom Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, ...
We produced an age model based on radiocarbon dates measured in the 8-m composite Lake Towuti sediment core that spans the last deglaciation. There are 23 radiocarbon ages in... -
Alkane determination of sediment core IDLE-TOW10-9B rom Lake Towuti in Sulawe...
We produced leaf wax hydrogen and carbon records from the Lake Towuti, spanning the last deglaciation. We measure hydrogen isotopes in 55 samples in the past 30 ka, and measured... -
Alkane determination of sediment core IDLE-MAT10-2B from Lake Matano in Sulaw...
We produced leaf wax hydrogen and carbon records from the Lake Matano, spanning the last deglaciation. We measure hydrogen isotopes in 31 samples in the past 32 ka, and measured... -
Anhysteretic remanent magnetization of sediment cores JPC15 and JPC27
In this dataset we present anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) data of sediment core JPC15 and JPC 27 from the arctic Mackenzie Delta. These data facilitate an... -
Radiocarbon dating of sediment cores JPC19 and JPC9
Radiocarbon ages of sediment cores HLY1302-JPC19 and HLY1302-JPC9 from the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Dates given here are uncalibrated 14C ages. -
Deglacial geochemical evidence of meltwater drainage into the Arctic from the...
In this dataset we present new high resolution Pb isotope data alongside elemental concentration and ARM (anhysteretic remanant magnetization) data for four core sites in the... -
Deglacial diatom silicon isotope record from the sediment core MD88-773
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