Indoor mesocosm experiment 2013 on effects of increased CO2 concentration on ...
Nitrogen fixation is a key source of nitrogen in the Baltic Sea which counteracts nitrogen loss processes in the deep anoxic basins. Laboratory and field studies have indicated... -
Long-term mesocosm study in Gullmar Fjord Sweden in 2013
The present biogeochemical parameters were measured or calculated in 2013 during a long-term mesocosm CO2 perturbation study in Gullmar Fjord (Sweden). The natural plankton... -
Impact of long-term moderate hypercapnia and elevated temperature on the ener...
Effects of severe hypercapnia have been extensively studied in marine fishes, while knowledge on the impacts of moderately elevated CO2 levels and their combination with warming... -
Performance of the Arctic calanoid copepods Calanus glacialis and C. hyperbor...
The sensitivity of copepods to ocean acidification (OA) and warming may increase with time, however, studies >10 days and on synergistic effects are rare. We therefore... -
Growth, respiration and mortality rates of live L. pertusa under gradually am...
All parameters assessed at the end of the experiment (dry weight of the corals/dead coral framework fragments, ash-free dry mass (AFDM), total polyp count, bacterial background... -
Growth, respiration and mortality rates of live L. pertusa under gradually am...
Measured parameters (net calcification/dissolution, net dissolution/bioerosion, respiration, mortality, temperature, salinity, total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon... -
KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: Respiratory metabolism sediment traps
Potential respiration and proteinaceous biomass in sediment traps -
KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: Respiratory metabolism of microplankton
Potential respiration and proteinaceous biomass in the microplankton community (0.7-50um) -
KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: particle size (Fig. 7)
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KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: RLS and C_remin (Fig. 7)
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KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: particle sinking velocity (Fig. 6)
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KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: mesozooplankton abundances
Using a mesocosm approach, we investigated ocean acidification effects on a subtropical zooplankton community during oligotrophic, bloom, and post-bloom phases under a range of... -
Abundance of microzooplankton and copepods in a microsocsm experiment during ...
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Abundance and growth rate of E. huxleyi in a microsocsm experiment during KOS...
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Abundance, fluorescence and pH of a microsocm experiment during KOSMOS 2013 m...
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Effects of ocean acidification on Eurytemora affinis: nauplii
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KOSMOS 2013 Gullmar Fjord long-term mesocosm study: Particle size spectra and...
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KOSMOS 2013 Gullmar Fjord long-term mesocosm study: Particle size spectra and...
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KOSMOS 2013 Gullmar Fjord long-term mesocosm study: Particle size spectra and...
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KOSMOS 2013 Gullmar Fjord long-term mesocosm study: plankton biomass
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