Argentine continental shelf currents 2014-2015: velocities, pressure and temp...
Hourly velocities each 4 m in the vertical from upward-looking ADCPs, and hourly bottom temperature and pressure from an Sea-Bird SBE37 in the Argentine continental shelf around... -
Longitudinal distribution of salinity, temperature, turbidity and dissolved o...
Key physico-chemical parameters (salinity, temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen) were measured in surface water during longitudinal transects in the Loire and Gironde... -
REMOULA temperature dataset survey 2000 - 2012. Blue mussel growth in the Per...
Concomitantly to the monitoring network of the Blue mussel growth in the Pertuis Charentais sounds, (available soon from SEANOE) high frequency temperature measurements were... -
Accurate and efficient band-gap predictions for metal halide perovskites at f...
We develop a computationally efficient scheme to accurately determine finite-temperature band gaps. We here focus on materials belonging to the class ABX3 (A = Rb, Cs; B = Ge,... -
Accurate and efficient band-gap predictions for metal halide perovskites at f...
We develop a computationally efficient scheme to accurately determine finite-temperature band gaps. We here focus on materials belonging to the class ABX3 (A = Rb, Cs; B = Ge,... -
Methoden zur Bestimmung stadtklimatischer Parameter und deren Belastbarkeit
Die für die Bestimmung stadtklimatischer Parameter wie Wind, Temperatur, Feuchte, Niederschlag und Luftbelastung geeigneten Messmethoden (in-situ, mobil, fernerkundet) und... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2 1932-2041m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2 1744-1932m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2, 2812-3043m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2, 2583-2812m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in clay-rich layers
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in clay-rich layers. Magnetite, characterised by a Curie temperature of 590 °C, dominates the signal. -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2 1368-1556m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2 1556-1744m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2, 2353-2582m
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
High temperature measurement of the saturation magnetisation for VER98-1-1
It shows a loss of a part of the signal at temperatures between 350 and 400 °C, typical disintegration temperatures for greigite. The remaining signal disappears above a... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2 1894-2123m, year: 2004
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
High temperature measurement of the saturation magnetisation for VER98-1-14
It shows a loss of a part of the signal at temperatures between 350 and 400 °C, typical disintegration temperatures for greigite. The remaining signal disappears above a... -
SAFOD Main Hole downhole logging data phase 1.2 2124-2353m, year: 2004
SAFOD is motivated by the need to answer fundamental questions about the physical and chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation within a major... -
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in diatomaceous laye...
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in diatomaceous layers. Most of the weak susceptibility is still present up to the temperature of 670 °C and carried by... -
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in clay-rich layers ...
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in clay-rich layers. Magnetite, characterised by a Curie temperature of 590 °C, dominates the signal.