(Table 1) Major and trace element analyses of ODP Leg 125 rock samples
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(Table 2) Major and trace element concentrations for mafic clasts from ODP Ho...
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(Table 10) Representative analyes of prehnite, epidote, actinolite, and chlor...
Calculation base on O = 11 (prehnite), O = 12.5 (epidote), O = 23 (actinolite), O = 28 (chlorite). Total Fe as FeO or Fe2O3. -
(Table 9) Representative analyes of prehnite, epidote, actinolite, and chlori...
Calculation base on O = 11 (prehnite), O = 12.5 (epidote), O = 23 (actinolithe), O = 28 (chlorite). Total Fe as FeO or Fe2O3. -
(Table 7) Representative analyes of garnet, thomsonite, natrolite, chlorite, ...
Calculation base on O = 12 (garnet), O = 20 (thomsonite, natrolite), O = 28 (chlorite), Si = 4 (sphene). Total Fe as FeO or Fe2O3. -
(Table 6) Representative analyes of phengite, chlorite, albite, and sphene of...
Calculation base on O = 22 (phengite), O = 28 (chlorite), O = 8 (albite), Si = 4 (sphene). Total Fe as FeO or Fe2O3. -
(Table 5) Representative analyes of sodic pyroxene and relict pyroxene of ODP...
Calculation based on O = 6. Fe2+ and Fe3+ of sodic pyroxene were calculated according to formula constraints. Total Fe as FeO for relict pyroxenes. -
(Table 4) Representative analyes of winchite and Ca-amphiboles of ODP Hole 12...
Piece 4, calculation based on O = 23. Fe3+ and Fe2+ of winchenite were calculated according to formula constrains, Total Fe as FeO for hornblende and actinolite. -
(Table 3) Representative analyes of pumpellyite of ODP Hole 125-778A and 125-...
Calculation based on O = 24.5. -
(Table 2) Representative analyes of lawsonite of ODP Hole 125-778A
Calculation based on O = 8. -
(Table 3) Major-element concentrations in serpentine sediments of ODP Hole 12...
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(Table 2) Chemistry of hydrogarnets of ODP Hole 125-778A
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(Appendix B) Chemical composition of the tephra layers of ODP Site 126-792 an...
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(Appendix) Geochemistry of ODP Leg 126 tephra samples
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(Table 1) Chemistry of mafic minberals of DSDP Hole 30-285A
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(Table 5) Geochemistry of Cr-spinel, glass, and amphibole in ODP Site 125-786
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(Table 4) Geochemistry of plagioclase in ODP Site 125-786
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(Table 3) Geochemistry of clinopyroxene in ODP Site 125-786
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(Table 2) Geochemistry of orthopyroxene in ODP Site 125-786
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(Table 1) Geochemistry of olivines in ODP Site 125-786
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