774 datasets found

Keywords: infrared astronomy

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  • MUSE datacube of He 2-10

    We study the physical and dynamical properties of the ionized gas in the prototypical HII galaxy Henize 2-10 using MUSE integral field spectroscopy. The large-scale dynamics are...
  • 51 Eri b SPHERE/IFS spectra & atmosphere models

    51 Eridani b is an exoplanet around a young (20Myr) nearby (29.4pc) F0-type star, which was recently discovered by direct imaging. It is one of the closest direct imaging...
  • X-shooter spectra of 6 ~2.2 quasars

    We studied the spectra of six z~2.2 quasars obtained with the X-shooter spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. The redshift of these sources and X-shooter's spectral coverage...
  • 10 Leo in YJ, H, K, L and M bands spectra

    High resolution stellar spectral atlases are valuable resources to astronomy. They are rare in the 1-5{mu}m region for historical reasons, but once available, high resolution...
  • Spectral cube toward NGC 6334 I and I(N)

    The HF molecule has been proposed as a sensitive tracer of diffuse interstellar gas, while at higher densities its abundance could be influenced heavily by freeze-out onto dust...
  • LHA 120-S 73 optical and NIR spectra

    B[e] supergiants are evolved massive stars, enshrouded in a dense wind and surrounded by a molecular and dusty disk. The mechanisms that drive phases of enhanced mass loss and...
  • Visible and near-infrared solar spectra

    We present a new solar flux atlas with the aim of understanding wavelength precision and accuracy in solar benchmark data. The atlas covers the wavelength range 405-2300nm and...
  • Low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample. V.

    We present near-infrared (NIR) H+K-band long-slit spectra of eleven galaxies that were obtained with SOFI at the NTT (ESO). The galaxies are chosen from the low-luminosity...
  • Quasar composite made from bright QSOs

    Quasi-stellar object (QSO) spectral templates are important both to QSO physics and for investigations that use QSOs as probes of intervening gas and dust. However, combinations...
  • KMOS view of the Galactic centre. I.

    The Galactic centre hosts a crowded, dense nuclear star cluster with a half-light radius of 4pc. Most of the stars in the Galactic centre are cool late-type stars, but there are...
  • Lines and continuum sky emission in the NIR

    Determining the intensity of lines and continuum airglow emission in the H-band is important for the design of faint-object infrared spectrographs. Existing spectra at...
  • GRB 130606A VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy

    The reionisation of the Universe is a process that is thought to have ended around z~6, as inferred from spectroscopy of distant bright background sources, such as quasars (QSO)...
  • Optical and NIR spectra of SN iPTF13ebh

    We present near-infrared (NIR) time-series spectroscopy, as well as complementary ultraviolet (UV), optical, and NIR data, of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) iPTF13ebh, which was...
  • SN 2012Z spectra

    We present 8 unpublished low-resolution visual-wavelength spectra of the Type Iax supernova 2012Z ranging from +1.8d to +248.1d relative to B-band maximum. In addition a...
  • Spectra and radial velocities of nuclear stars

    Within the central 10pc of our Galaxy lies a dense cluster of stars. This nuclear star cluster forms a distinct component of the Galaxy, and similar nuclear star clusters are...
  • Spectra of IPHAS symbiotic stars

    The IPHAS H{alpha} survey provides a rich database to search for emission-line sources in the northern Galactic plane. We are systematically searching for symbiotic stars in the...
  • EPOCH Project. EROS-2 LMC periodic variables

    The EPOCH (EROS-2 periodic variable star classification using machine learning) project aims to detect periodic variable stars in the EROS-2 light curve database. In order to...
  • Herschel/PACS spectra of 48 evolved stars

    We present 48 Herschel/PACS spectra of evolved stars in the wavelength range of 67-72um. This wavelength range covers the 69mu band of crystalline olivine...
  • Wide field imagers ground-based astrometry. V.

    High-precision astrometry requires accurate point-spread function modeling and accurate geometric-distortion corrections. This paper demonstrates that it is possible to achieve...
  • Near-IR integral field spectra of 15 M-L dwarfs

    At young ages, low surface gravity affects the atmospheric properties of ultracool dwarfs. The impact on medium-resolution near-infrared (NIR) spectra has only been slightly...
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