821 datasets found

Keywords: sloan photometry

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  • Mapping accretion variability in NGC 2264

    Our study aims at characterizing the accretion properties of several hundred members of the star-forming region NGC 2264 (3Myr). We performed a deep u,g,r,i mapping of the...
  • Limb-darkening coefficients for MOST

    We present new calculations of limb and gravity-darkening coefficients to be used as input in many fields of stellar physics such as synthetic light curves of double-lined...
  • HAT-P-42b and HAT-P-43b ri light curves

    We announce the discovery of two new transiting planets, and provide their accurate initial characterization. First identified from the HATNet wide-field photometric survey,...
  • HATS-2b griz light curves

    We report the discovery of HATS-2b, the second transiting extrasolar planet detected by the HATSouth survey. HATS- 2b is moving on a circular orbit around a V=13.6mag, K-type...
  • 3 eclipsing high-mass binaries light curve

    We present the first results of a comprehensive photometric O-star survey performed with a robotic twin refractor at the Universitatssternwarte Bochum located near Cerro...
  • Limb-darkening for CoRoT, Kepler, Spitzer. II.

    We present an extension of our investigations on limb-darkening coefficients computed with spherical symmetrical PHOENIX models. The models investigated in this paper cover the...
  • SNLS and SDSS SN surveys photometric calibration

    We present a joined photometric calibration for the SNLS and the SDSS supernova surveys. Our main delivery are catalogs of natural AB magnitudes for a large set of selected...
  • Limb-darkening for CoRoT, Kepler, Spitzer

    The knowledge of how the specific intensity is distributed over the stellar disk is crucial for interpreting the light curves of extrasolar transiting planets, double-lined...
  • Multiplicity in transiting planet-host stars

    In the exoplanetary era, the Kepler spacecraft is causing a revolution by discovering thousands of new planet candidates. However, a follow-up program is needed to reject false...
  • WASP-4b transit griz light curves

    Ground-based simultaneous multiband transit observations allow an accurate system parameter determination and may lead to the detection and characterization of additional bodies...
  • Detections of transit variations in KOI 806

    We report the detection of transit timing variations (TTVs) well in excess of one hour in the Kepler multi-planet candidate system KOI 806. This system exhibits transits...
  • Limb-darkening coefficients

    The degree of complexity of physics due to proximity effects in close binary stars is one of the most important challenges in theoretical stellar physics. The knowledge of how...
  • OGLE2-TR-L9 g'r'i'z' light curves

    Repeated observations of exoplanet transits allow us to refine the planetary parameters and probe them for any time dependent variations. In particular deviations of the period...
  • Spitzer selected starbursts at z~2

    Wide-field Spitzer surveys allow identification of thousands of potentially high-z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) through their bright 24um emission and their mid-IR colors. We...
  • White dwarf-red dwarf binaries in the SDSS

    To reduce contamination by more distant sources, such as quasars, we have selected candidate white dwarf-red dwarf binaries from the catalogue of proper motion stars drawn from...
  • C star population in outer disk of M31

    We employ the CFHT Megacam camera to survey ~1{deg}^2^ of the southern outer disc of M31, a region which includes the area where Battinelli et al. (2003, Cat. ) have identified...
  • Non-linear limb-darkening law for LTE models. III.

    Continuing our studies on stellar atmospheres (Claret, 2000, Cat. , 2003, Cat. ), we present in this paper the limb-darkening coefficients for the Sloan photometric system. The...
  • Color-Induced Displacement double stars in SDSS

    We report the first successful application of the astrometric color-induced displacement technique (CID, the displacement of the photocenter between different band-passes dur to...
  • Nearby early-type galaxies in Stripe 82

    We make use of the images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 (Stripe 82) to present an analysis of r band surface brightness profiles and radial color gradients (g-r,...
  • 1005 galaxies with z<0.09 sample

    Present-day multiwavelength deep imaging surveys allow to characterize the outskirts of galaxies with unprecedented precision. Taking advantage of this situation, we define a...
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