774 datasets found

Keywords: infrared astronomy

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  • Young visual M-dwarf binaries spectra

    We present the results from an integral field spectroscopy study of seven close visual binary pairs of young M-dwarf multiple systems. The target systems are part of the...
  • Five Herbig-Haro objects SOFIA/FIFI-LS images

    We present SOFIA/FIFI-LS observations of five prototypical, low-mass Class I outflows (HH111, SVS13, HH26, HH34, HH30) in the far-infrared [OI]63um and [OI]145um transitions....
  • EX Lup SPHERE and SINFONI images

    EX Lup is a well-studied T Tauri star that represents the prototype of young eruptive stars EXors. These are characterized by repetitive outbursts due to enhanced accretion from...
  • CS Cha B spectrum

    Direct imaging provides a steady flow of newly discovered giant planets and brown dwarf companions. These multi-object systems can provide information about the formation of...
  • M dwarfs HeI infrared triplet variability

    The HeI infrared (IR) triplet at 10830{AA} is an important activity indicator for the Sun and in solar-type stars, however, it has rarely been studied in relation to M dwarfs to...
  • NIR spectrum of interstellar object 2I/Borisov

    Interstellar objects (ISOs) passing through our Solar System offer a rare opportunity to probe the physical and chemical processes involved in solid body and planet formation in...
  • KiDS-VIKING-450 cosmic shear

    We present a tomographic cosmic shear analysis of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) combined with the VISTA Kilo-Degree Infrared Galaxy Survey (VIKING). This is the first time that...
  • M8, G333.6-0.2 and NGC6357 young stars

    The identification and characterisation of populations of young massive stars in (giant) HII regions provides important constraints on i) the formation process of massive stars...
  • K band spectrum of beta Pictoris b

    Beta Pictoris is arguably one of the most studied stellar systems outside of our own. Some 30 years of observations have revealed a highly-structured circumstellar disk, with...
  • TW Hydrae association with X-shooter

    Measurements of the protoplanetary disk frequency in young star clusters of different ages indicate disk lifetimes <10Myr. However, our current knowledge of how mass...
  • Carbon depletion observed inside T Tauri inner rims

    The carbon content of protoplanetary disks is an important parameter to characterize planets formed at different disk radii. There is some evidence from far-infrared and...
  • HeI IR triplet measurements for M dwarfs

    The HeI infrared (IR) triplet at 10830{AA} is an important activity indicator for the Sun and in solar-type stars, however, it has rarely been studied in relation to M dwarfs to...
  • Reduced X-shooter spectra of GRB 190114A

    We report the detections of molecular hydrogen (H_2_), vibrationally-excited H_2_ (H_2_), and neutral atomic carbon (CI), an efficient tracer of molecular gas, in two new...
  • X-shooter spectra of 43 metal-poor M dwarfs

    The aim of the project is to define metallicity/gravity/temperature scales for different spectral types of metal-poor M dwarfs. We obtained intermediate-resolution ultraviolet...
  • GAS II. UV luminosity functions & InfraRed eXcess

    Dust is a crucial component of the interstellar medium of galaxies. The presence of dust strongly affects the light produced by stars within a galaxy. As these photons are our...
  • Spitzer/IRS analysis of the 30-micron sources

    We present an analysis and comparison of the 30{mu}m dust features seen in the Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of 207 carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, post-AGB...
  • Galactic center CO rot-vib absorption lines

    In the near- to mid-infrared wavelength domain, bright continuum sources in the central parsec of the Galactic center (GC) are subject to foreground absorption. These sources...
  • Dimming event of RW Aurigae A

    RW Aur A is a classical T Tauri star that has suddenly undergone three major dimming events since 2010. The reason for these dimming events is still not clear. The two epochs of...
  • WASP-18b HST/WFC3 spectroscopic phase curves

    We present the analysis of a full-orbit, spectroscopic phase curve of the ultra hot Jupiter (UHJ) WASP-18b, obtained with the Wide Field Camera 3 aboard the Hubble Space...
  • W51 OB stars NIR spectroscopy

    The interplay between the formation of stars, stellar feedback and cloud properties strongly influences the star formation history of giant molecular clouds. The formation of...
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