681 datasets found

Keywords: radio astronomy

Filter Results
  • Water maser survey of methanol maser sources

    High sensitivity observations of the 22GHz water maser emission have been carried out with the Effelsberg 100m radio telescope. The observed sample was 79 candidate high-mass...
  • The 35um absorption line towards 1612MHz masers

    The 1612MHz hydroxyl maser in circumstellar envelopes has long been thought to be pumped by 34.6{mu}m photons. Only recently, the Infrared Space Observatory has made possible...
  • Massive protostellar candidates

    We have observed two rotational transitions of both CS and C^17^O, and the 1.2mm continuum emission towards a sample of 130 high-mass protostellar candidates with...
  • General Catalogue of 6.7GHz Methanol Masers

    Methanol masers are often detected in regions of intense star formation. Several studies in the last decade indicate that they may even be the earliest signpost of a high-mass...
  • C^18^O/C^17^O near rho Oph

    Observations of up to ten carbon monoxide (CO and isotopomers) transitions are presented to study the interstellar C^18^O/C^17^O ratio towards 21 positions in the nearby...
  • HI lines in 586 galaxies

    This paper presents 586 new 21-cm neutral hydrogen line measurements carried out with the FORT receiver of the meridian transit Nancay radiotelescope in the period July 2000 -...
  • Rest frequencies of methanol maser lines

    We report accurate laboratory measurements of selected methanol transition frequencies between 0.834 and 230GHz in order to facilitate astronomical velocity analyses. New data...
  • 86GHz SiO maser survey in the Inner Galaxy

    We present a compilation and study of DENIS, 2MASS, ISOGAL, MSX and IRAS 1-25 microns photometry for a sample of 441 late-type stars in the inner Galaxy, which we previously...
  • Maser and outflows in UC HII region

    We report the results of a single-dish survey of molecular outflows towards a homogeneous sample of 136 ultracompact HII regions for which we had previously obtained...
  • OH maser emission from star forming regions

    High sensitivity observations of all four transitions of the ground state at 18cm of OH in both senses of circular polarization have been carried out with the Nancay radio...
  • 12.2 GHz methanol survey

    We present results of 12.2GHz methanol maser survey done with the Torun 32 meter radio telescope. We examined 261 star forming sites, known as containing 6.7GHz maser emission...
  • CO observation of isolated galaxies

    We present ^12^CO(J=1-0) line observations of 99 galaxies obtained with the SEST 15m, the Kitt Peak 12m and the IRAM 30m telescopes. The target galaxies were selected from the...
  • Galactic emission at decimeter wavelengths

    The diffuse galactic emission maps at decimeter wavelengths (408 MHz, Haslam et al., 1982A&AS...47....1H), (1420 MHz, Reich, 1982A&AS...48..219R, Reich & Reich...
  • Warm dust near methanol masers

    Continuum emission at 450 and 850{mu}m from warm dust has been mapped in the fields of 71 methanol masers. Within these fields lie 30 centimetre-wave radio continuum sources and...
  • 6.7GHz methanol masers survey of low-mass YSO

    We report the results of a search for 6.7-GHz methanol masers toward low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) and (pre)protostellar condensations with the Australia Telescope...
  • Galactic HII regions

    The Master Catalog collects the information from 24 previously published lists and catalogs for 1442 Galactic HII regions. For each object, the Master Catalog quotes the...
  • OH 5-cm line survey in late-type stars

    We have undertaken a comprehensive search for 5-cm excited OH maser emission from evolved stars representative of various stages of late stellar evolution. Observed sources were...
  • 86GHz SiO maser survey of late-type stars

    We present 86GHz (v=1, J=2-1) SiO maser line observations with the IRAM 30-m telescope of a sample of 444 late-type stars in the Inner Galaxy (-4{deg}<l<+30{deg}). These...
  • 18-cm OH lines in comets

    Since the apparition of comet Kohoutek 1973 XII, the 18-cm lines of the OH radical have been systematically observed in a number of comets with the Nancay radio telescope....
  • H2O and SiO masers in the Galactic center

    We have performed targeted surveys for 22GHz H_2_O and 43GHz SiO maser emission in Galactic center OH/IR stars using the Very Large Array. Some of the detections have been used...
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