Mediapanel 1976-1981
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1995/96 - V69-27y
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1983
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1984
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1978-1985
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1975/76 - M69-6y
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1976/77 - V61-9
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2014
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
ISSP 2017 - Hur ser människors sociala nätverk ut i Sverige
The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration programme conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to social sciences. This survey is the Swedish part of the 2017... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1983
This dataset is the result of the first step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1985
This dataset is the result of the second step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund, panel 1983-1985
During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish Telecommunications Administration (Televerket) put trial networks for cable television into operation in Lund. One of the reasons that Lund... -
Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 1992
Since 1986 an annual nationwide survey, called SOM-survey, has been carried out at Göteborg University. In 1992 a similar survey was carried out in Western Sweden, i.e. Göteborg... -
Svensk levnadsstandard 1992
This survey deals with the amount of material standard people consider as necessary, and to what extent the respondent lacks these necessities. The questionnaire was divided... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
Mediapanel 1976
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1976/77 - V63-7
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1976/77 - V65-5
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish... -
Mediapanel 1978/79 - M69-3
The Media Panel Program (MPP) is located at the University of Lund in Sweden. It is a long-term research program focused on basic aspects of the mass media use by Swedish...