Voorlichting over de toekomst en waarden 1977-1978
Testing hypotheses about relations between values and attitudes. In a field experiment people were informed on scenario's describing different futures in Dutch society. In the... -
Autoritaire persoonlijkheid en zijn godsdienstige wereld 1970
Rigidity / measures that would lead to peace in the world / progressiveness versus conservatism / socio-economic radicalism / egalitarian attitude / attitude to change /... -
Flatstudenten vergeleken met overige studenten 1973
Social contacts / sociability / social relations / loneliness / problems / neuroticism / anxiety / complaints about noise / satisfaction with room / study results / study... -
Angst voor sexueel geweld 1982
Exploration of the possible discrepancy between the fear of and the occurrence of sexual violence against women. Unsafe places in neighbourhood and municipality / agreement with... -
Attitudes van maatschappelijk gehandikapten 1981
Differences in mentality of long-staying psychiatric patients and half way home-inhabitants and homeless men / distinguishing of subgroups. Scale items for balance,... -
Werkoverleg, medezeggenschap en georganiseerd overleg in een gemeentelijke we...
Explorative research concerning influence and co-management, satisfaction with work, and immaterial working conditions. Satisfaction with own work and working situation /... -
Psychosociale stress en langdurige arbeidsongeschiktheid 1975-1977
The influence of psychosocial stress, personal factors, environmental factors and nature of illness on prolonged absence from work/ which factors either prolonged or reduced the... -
Psychologische aspecten van rheumatoide arthritis 1975-1978
Do r.a.-patients have typical characteristics/ to what extent does a longitudinal relation exist between psychological and medical variables. Personality tests / social... -
Dogmatisme opnieuw bezien 1973
Anxiety scale ( mas ) Amsterdam / dutch version of mpi with sub scales introversion and test attitude / opinions on styles of bringing up / authoritarian parent child... -
Verband tussen maatschappelijke positie van vrouwen en psychische klachten 1981
Relation between characteristics of household, especially gender roles, and complaints about health. Interest in and attitude towards emancipation of women and gender roles /... -
Minderheidspositie van agentes en verplegers 1982-1983
Differences in minority position of policewomen and male nurses. Duration and work between secondary school and police or nursing training / duration of service as a policewoman... -
Enquête van Heymans en Wiersma 1985
Heredity-research of personality. Personality characteristics of family members judged by medical doctors / activity / emotionality / primary versus secondary functioning.... -
Academici in het bedrijfsleven 1972
Interview relation between study and job position / capacities learned during study / detailed description of job function ( independence ) / ideal task structure / requirements... -
Macht van de vanzelfsprekendheid in relaties tussen vrouwen en mannen 1980-1981
The functioning of power in marital relations. Marriage / division of labour, housekeeping / children / sexuality / social contacts / leisure / finance / perception of roles of... -
Loneliness scale : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Behoefte aan variatie in de zin van Maddi c.s 1976
Expressions of the "need for variety" ( Maddi c.s. ) measured by various instruments: Novelty Experiencing Scale ( NES ), children's Reactive Curiosity Scale ( RCS ), Sensation... -
Maslow's hierarchische rangschikking van fundamentele behoeften 1975
Maslow's need questionnaire ( MNQ ) / ( various versions ) f-scale / individual well-being scales / personnel orientation inventory / security, insecurity inventory. Background... -
Intelligence : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Ontwikkeling van Rokeach's dogmatisme schaal 1968
Development of Rokeach's dogmatism scale / political and social, socio-economic opinions. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership,... -
Organizational climate study 1971
Perception of real versus ideal situation / difficulty to change and the importance of many aspects of the organizational structure and functioning / delegation of...