90 datasets found

Keywords: nebulae

Filter Results
  • Variability in Protoplanetary Nebulae. X.

    New observations are presented of four evolved objects that display long, multiyear variations in their light curves. These are interpreted as good evidence of their binary...
  • Circumstellar Disk Accretion Across Lagoon Nebula

    Pre-main-sequence disk accretion is pivotal for determining the final stellar properties and the early conditions for close-in planets. We aim to establish the impact of...
  • 3000-10700{AA} spectral cover of NGC 6153 with VLT

    We study the kinematics of emission lines that arise from many physical processes in NGC6153 based upon deep, spatially resolved, high-resolution spectra acquired with the UVES...
  • 421 YSOs in of IC 1396 with UKIRT/WFCAM

    Empirically, the estimated lifetime of a typical protoplanetary disk is <5-10Myr. However, the disk lifetimes required to produce a variety of observed exoplanetary systems...
  • K2 ugri & H{alpha} photometry in the Lagoon Nebula

    Space observatories have provided unprecedented depictions of the many variability behaviors typical of low-mass, young stars. However, those studies have so far largely omitted...
  • Vilnius photometry in IC 59 and IC 63

    Optical and infrared continuum polarization from the interstellar medium is driven by radiative processes aligning the grains with the magnetic field. While a quantitative,...
  • Updated cat. of extended objects in Magellanic clouds

    We present a catalog of star clusters, associations, and related extended objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and the Magellanic Bridge with 2741 entries, a factor 2...
  • Parameters of OB stars & their bow shock nebulae

    Second only to initial mass, the rate of wind-driven mass loss determines the final mass of a massive star and the nature of its remnant. Motivated by the need to reconcile...
  • IR properties of stellar bowshock nebulae

    Arcuate infrared nebulae are ubiquitous throughout the Galactic Plane and are candidates for partial shells, bubbles, or bowshocks produced by massive runaway stars. We tabulate...
  • Galactic HII regions. I. Stellar distances

    We present a new catalog of spectrophotometric distances and line of sight systemic velocities to 103 HII regions between 90{deg}{<=}l<=195{deg} (longitude quadrants II...
  • Spectroscopy and HST imaging in ONC

    Recent Hubble Space Telescope images have allowed the determination with unprecedented accuracy of motions and changes of shocks within the inner Orion Nebula. These originate...
  • VRI photometry in NGC 7129

    NGC7129 is a bright reflection nebula located in the molecular cloud complex near l=105.4{deg}, b=+9.9{deg}, about 1.15kpc distant. Embedded within the reflection nebula is a...
  • Properties of clumps in the NAN complex

    We present observations of a 4.25deg^2^ area toward the North American and Pelican Nebulae in the J=1-0 transitions of ^12^CO, ^13^CO, and C^18^O. Three molecules show different...
  • HST/ACS Atlas of Great Orion Nebula proplyds

    We present the atlas of protoplanetary disks in the Orion Nebula based on the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS/WFC) images obtained for the Hubble...
  • Very low-mass YSOs in NGC 1333

    We present the results of a deep near-infrared (NIR) imaging survey searching for very low mass young stellar objects (YSOs) in the embedded cluster associated with the Perseus...
  • Infrared nebulae around young stellar objects

    We present a K-band atlas of 106 reflection nebulae, 41 of which are new discoveries. We observed these nebulae with the University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope in the course of an...
  • AFGL 5157 near-IR imaging

    We present near-infrared images of the star-forming region AFGL 5157 in the JHK broadband filters and H_2_v=1-0S(1) narrowband filter. The images reveal a dense cluster of stars...
  • LMC extended catalog

    A survey of extended objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud was carried out on the ESO/SERC R and J Sky Survey Atlases, checking entries in previous catalogs and searching for...
  • JHK photometry of NGC1333

    We present the results of an extensive near-infrared (JHK) imaging survey of the NGC 1333 star forming region. Our survey covers an area more than 4 times larger than the...
  • Ionized nebulae in M31

    Deep CCD imagery in H{alpha} and [SII] is presented of the major spiral arms of M31 with particular attention given to the data reduction and the analysis of the [SII]/H{alpha}...
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