159 datasets found

Keywords: h alpha photometry

Filter Results
  • H narrow-band imaging of XMMU J2235.3-2557

    We present the results of an extended narrow-band H{alpha} study of the massive galaxy cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 at z=1.39. This paper represents a follow-up study to our...
  • IPHAS T Tauri candidates in IC 1396

    The Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric H-Alpha Survey (IPHAS) is a 1800deg^2^ survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, reaching down to r'~21. We demonstrate how the survey...
  • H narrow-band imaging of XMMU J2235.3-2557

    We present the first results of a narrow-band photometric study of the massive galaxy cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 at z=1.39. We obtained deep H narrow-band imaging with the Near...
  • Ionized gas in E/S0 galaxies with dust lanes

    We report the results of multicolour observations of 30 E/S0 galaxies with dust lanes. For each galaxy we obtained broad-band images and narrow-band images using interference...
  • VRIHalpha photometry of M34

    We report on the results of a V- and i-band time-series photometric survey of M34 (NGC 1039) using the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT), achieving...
  • New planetary nebulae in LMC

    We report our initial discovery of 73 new planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) following confirmatory 2dF spectroscopy on the Anglo-Australian Telescope....
  • H-alpha in Abell 2390

    Photometry is tabulated for 1189 galaxies in 19 OSIS-V (CFHT) images in the direction of the galaxy cluster Abell 2390. The images cover 270 sq. deg., and extend out to the...
  • UBVRH{alpha} photometry on 5 galaxies

    We have compared the results of multicolor UBVR and H{alpha} photometry for 169 young star-formation complexes in five galaxies using a grid of evolutionary models for young...
  • Dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A. II. R and Ha obs.

    We have surveyed the complete extent of Leo A, which is an apparently isolated Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy, in B, V, R, I (the Johnson-Cousins system), and NA656...
  • H{alpha} imaging survey of the 40% ALFALFA HI LSBGs

    We present a narrow H{alpha}-band imaging survey of 357 low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) that are selected from the spring sky region of the 40% Arecibo Legacy Fast...
  • VLA 33GHz obs. of star-forming regions

    We present 33GHz imaging for 112 pointings toward galaxy nuclei and extranuclear star-forming regions at ~2" resolution using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) as part...
  • Optical & Spitzer photometry in IC 1805

    We present deep wide-field optical CCD photometry and mid-infrared Spitzer/IRAC and MIPS 24{mu}m data for about 100000 stars in the young open cluster IC 1805. The members of IC...
  • Optical photometry of the ONC

    We present U, B, V, I broadband, 6200{AA} TiO medium band, and H{alpha} narrow band photometry of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) obtained with the WFI imager at the ESO/MPI 2.2...
  • Star formation in nuclear rings

    We present results from a photometric H{alpha} survey of 22 nuclear rings, aiming to provide insight into their star formation properties, including age distribution, dynamical...
  • 3C 390.3 BVRI and H photometry

    Results of a ground-based optical monitoring campaign on 3C 390.3 in 1994-1995 are presented. The broadband fluxes (B, V, R, and I), the spectrophotometric optical continuum...
  • M20 young stellar population

    The Trifid Nebula is a young, nearby star-forming region where star formation is proposed to have been triggered by cloud-cloud collision (CCC), based on observations of...
  • Medium-band photometry RM of 5 nearby AGNs

    Reverberation mapping (RM) is one of the most efficient ways to investigate the broad-line region around the central supermassive black holes of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). A...
  • Census of the Local Universe survey. I. CLU-Halpha

    We present the Census of the Local Universe (CLU) narrowband survey to search for emission-line (H{alpha}) galaxies. CLU-H{alpha} has imaged ~3{pi} of the sky (26470deg^2^) with...
  • Optical search for SNRs in NGC6946 with WIYN & GMOS

    The relatively nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is one of the most actively star-forming galaxies in the local universe. Ten supernovae (SNe) have been observed since 1917, and...
  • Mass accretion rates of PMS stars. VI. LH95 in LMC

    We report on the accretion properties of low-mass stars in the LH 95 association within the Large Magellanic Cloud. Using noncontemporaneous wideband optical and narrowband...
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