94 datasets found

Keywords: f stars

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  • Radial velocities & light curves of KELT-24

    We present the discovery of KELT-24 b, a massive hot Jupiter orbiting a bright (V=8.3 mag, K=7.2 mag) young F-star with a period of 5.6 days. The host star, KELT-24 (HD 93148),...
  • Occurrence rates of planets orbiting FGK stars

    We characterize the occurrence rate of planets, ranging in size from 0.5 to 16 R_{Earth}, orbiting FGK stars with orbital periods from 0.5 to 500 days. Our analysis is based on...
  • Radial velocity and light curves of WASP-190

    We report the discovery of WASP-190b, an exoplanet on a 5.37 day orbit around a mildly evolved F6 IV-V star with V=11.7, T_eff_=6400+/-100 K, M_=1.35+/-0.05 M{sun}, and...
  • Masses & radii of 4 VLM stars in EB systems

    Eclipsing binaries (EBs) with one of the companions as very low-mass stars (VLMSs; or M dwarfs) are testbeds to substantiate stellar models and evolutionary theories. Here we...
  • Occurrence rates for Q1-Q16 KOI catalog planet cand.

    We present a new framework to characterize the occurrence rates of planet candidates identified by Kepler based on hierarchical Bayesian modeling, approximate Bayesian computing...
  • Abundances in the local region. III. Southern dwarfs

    Stellar parameters and abundances have been derived from a sample of 907 F, G, and K dwarfs. The high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra utilized were acquired with the...
  • Differential photometry of the F-subgiant HAT-P-67

    We report the discovery of HAT-P-67b, which is a hot-Saturn transiting a rapidly rotating F-subgiant. HAT-P-67b has a radius of R_p_=2.085_-0.071_^+0.096^ R_J_, and orbites a...
  • Abundances in the local region. II. F, G, and K dwarfs

    Parameters and abundances have been derived for 1002 stars of spectral types F, G, and K, and luminosity classes IV and V. After culling the sample for rotational velocity and...
  • Photometry and spectroscopy of HAT-P-56

    We report the discovery of HAT-P-56b by the HATNet survey, an inflated hot Jupiter transiting a bright F-type star in Field 0 of NASA's K2 mission. We combine ground-based...
  • Catalog of hypervelocity candidate stars

    In this paper we analyze a sample of metal-rich (>-0.8dex) main sequence stars in the extended solar neighborhood, investigating kinematic outliers from the background...
  • Radial velocity of HD 33643

    We report the discovery of KELT-7b, a transiting hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.28+/-0.18M_J_, radius of 1.533^+0.046^-0.047_R_J, and an orbital period of...
  • A-F type variable stars from Kepler

    The light curves of 2768 stars with effective temperatures and surface gravities placing them near the gamma Doradus ({gamma} Dor)/delta Scuti ({delta} Sct) instability region...
  • From binaries to multiples. II. Statistical data

    Statistics of hierarchical multiplicity among solar-type dwarfs are studied using the distance-limited sample of 4847 targets presented in the accompanying Paper I. Known facts...
  • From binaries to multiples. I. The FG-67 sample

    Data on the multiplicity of F- and G-type dwarf stars within 67pc of the Sun are presented. This distance-limited sample based on the Hipparcos catalog contains 4847 primary...
  • Photometry and spectroscopy of HAT-P-49

    We report the discovery of the transiting extrasolar planet HAT-P-49b. The planet transits the bright (V=10.3) slightly evolved F-star HD340099 with a mass of 1.54M_{Sun} and a...
  • Atmospheric parameters in luminous stars

    Parameters and abundances for 451 stars of spectral types F, G, and K of luminosity classes I and II have been derived. Absolute magnitudes and E(B-V) have been derived for the...
  • Differential griz photometry of HATS-3

    We report the discovery by the HATSouth survey of HATS-3b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting a V=12.4 F dwarf star. HATS-3b has a period of P=3.5479days, mass of...
  • Abundances of late K and M dwarfs in binary systems

    Knowledge of late K and M dwarf metallicities can be used to guide planet searches and constrain planet formation models. However, the determination of metallicities of...
  • Follow-up photometry for HAT-P-34 through HAT-P-37

    We report the discovery of four transiting extrasolar planets (HAT-P-34b-HAT-P-37b) with masses ranging from 1.05 to 3.33M_J_ and periods from 1.33 to 5.45days. These planets...
  • Spitzer 24{mu}m photometry of Hipparcos F stars

    We have conducted a study of debris disks around F stars in order to explore correlations between rotation, stellar winds, and circumstellar disks. We obtained new 24{mu}m...
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