Abundance of larvae and transforming stages of mesopelagic fish collected at ...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of larvae and transforming stages of fishes collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2010 in five zones... -
KOSMOS 2018 Gran Canaria mesocosm study on artificial upwelling: suspended ma...
Suspended matter fatty acid composition, nitrogen stable isotope ratios and diatom dominance of the phytoplankton community during the mesocosm experiment in the Canary Islands... -
KOSMOS 2018 Gran Canaria mesocosm study on artificial upwelling: mesozooplank...
Mesozooplankton trophic markers to estimate food web length (δ15N) and dietary contribution of diatoms (fatty acids) during the mesocosm experiment in the Canary Islands in... -
KOSMOS 2018 Gran Canaria mesocosm study on artificial upwelling: mesozooplank...
Mesozooplankton (mesoZP) per capita mass, elemental composition and stable N isotopes during the mesocosm experiment in the Canary Islands in autumn 2018. Depth-integrated (0-14... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report particulate organic matter concentrations collected during a 35-day... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report oxygen primary production rates during a 35-day experiment, where we... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report the inorganic nutrient concentrations during a 35-day experiment,... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report the dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration and total alkalinity... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report pigment concentrations and the phytoplankton community composition... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report biogenic Silica concentrations in the watercolumn collected during a... -
KOSMOS 2020 Peru mesocosm study on ecosystem responses to different light and...
This data is part of the BMBF project CUSCO (Coastal Upwelling Systems in a Changing Ocean). Here we report carbon and nitrogen uptake rates by phytoplankton collected during a... -
Second-year sea-ice salinity, temperature, density, oxygen and hydrogen isoto...
Second-year sea-ice thickness, draft, salinity, temperature, and density were measured during near-weekly surveys at the main second-year ice coring site (MCS-SYI) during the... -
Snow stable water isotopes of a surface transect at the EastGRIP deep drillin...
Snow samples were taken on a daily basis along a 100 m wind-parallel transect at the EastGRIP ice core deep drilling site. The snow was collected at 11 positions with 10 m... -
Snow stable water isotopes of a surface transect at the EastGRIP deep drillin...
Snow samples were taken on a daily basis along a 100 m wind-parallel transect at the EastGRIP ice core deep drilling site. The snow was collected at 11 positions with 10 m... -
Snow stable water isotopes of a surface transect at the EastGRIP deep drillin...
Snow samples were taken on a daily basis along a 1000 m wind-parallel transect at the EastGRIP ice core deep drilling site. The snow was collected at 11 to 29 positions with 10... -
Snow stable water isotopes of a surface transect at the EastGRIP deep drillin...
Snow samples were taken on a daily basis along a 1000 m wind-parallel transect at the EastGRIP ice core deep drilling site. The snow was collected at 11 to 29 positions with 10... -
Monospecific benthic δ18O data from Cape Hatteras and Blake Outer Ridge durin...
This dataset contains monospecific benthic δ18O data from cores that form depth transects at Cape Hatteras and Blake Outer Ridge. Data is from either the Mid-Holocene or LGM and... -
n-Alkane of sediment core GeoTü SL167
The data sets contains n-alkane data of sediment core GeoTü SL167.he measurements of n-alkanes were carried out using Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 GC-FID and Thermo Scientific... -
Nitrogen isotope record and TOC accumulation rates of sediment core GeoTü SL167
The data sets contains bulk organic data of sediment core GeoTü SL167. Total organic carbon and nitrogen measurements were carried out with an Euro EA3000 elemental analyser and...