Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_32-2, 5 m water de...
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Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_66-5, under sea ic...
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Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_45-1, under sea ic...
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Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_32-2, under sea ic...
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Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_66-5, under sea ic...
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Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_45-1, under sea ic...
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Size measurements of cryogenic gypsum at Ice Station PS106_32-2, under sea ic...
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Processed aerial observations and ship based radar data of the Experimental O...
In this dataset, the observations by aerial observers and by ship based radar are aggregated into one dataset, outlining slick dimensions and location. This data was used to... -
Size of Poeobius measured by underwater vision profiler (UVP) during several ...
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Morphological data of experimental animals of wild and selected Saccostrea gl...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2016) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
(Table 6) Stable isotopes (δ¹⁸O, dD and d excess) for all considered ice wedg...
Ice wedges marked with an asterisk contain samples attributed to Unit IV and Unit VIII, respectively. -
Length and width of life stages of the genus Labidocera sampled at Upa-Upasin...
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Gut content of fish sampled in a Sargassum muticum forest in the Blidselbucht...
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(Table 1) Basic topographical and geometrical characteristics of retrogressiv...
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Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cr...
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Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cr...
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Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cr...
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Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cr...
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Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cr...
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Relationship of the shell parameters length, height and width of the Mytilida...
The shell parameters length, height and width were measured for specimens of Aulacomya atra and Mytilus chilensis from the fjord Comau to the lowest 0.1 mm using a vernier...