Interfacial adsorption of keratin as characterised by neutron reflection
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding the adsorption of keratins and their interactions with ionic surfactants at the solid/water interface.... -
Controlling the interaction of hemicellulose (galactoglucomannan, GGM) with c...
Softwood hemicellulose (galactoglucomannan, GGM) is one of the major plant polysaccharides found in cell walls after cellulose. It makes up to 25% of the wood in Sweden,... -
Analysis of the Self-Assembled S-layer Protein SpbA on Silanised Planar Silic...
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Structure and conformation of thermo-responsive nanogels at air/water interfa...
Soft polymeric nanoparticles possess many interesting properties. Those based on N-isopropylacrylamide are surface active and respond to changes in temperature. This give rise... -
NR study of binding of short antimicrobial alpha-helix peptides with model li...
In this work we explore how our rationally designed peptide amphiphiles bind onto lipid monolayers using neutron reflection combined with deuterium labelling to the lipids,... -
Investigation of Induced Magnetism at Graphene/EuO Interfaces
Interface effects are attracting a renewed interest in recent years. It resides in the fact that when an interface is formed the break of symmetry gives rise to entirely new... -
Joint Diamond/ISIS proposal 22078
The basis of a biological cell membrane is a lipid bilayer containing functional proteins. Its purpose is to form a selective barrier that separates the aqueous fluids inside... -
The Effect of the Head Group on Multilayering of Alkanoic Alkyl Ester Sulphon...
We have shown that under certain conditions multilayer adsorption of surfactants occurs at the air-water interface. in which case the system becomes a powerful wetting agent (it... -
Probing membrane localisation of molecular rotors (NR)
A number of important biological processes, such as intracellular transport and signal transduction depend on the viscosity and the distribution of microdomains in cells. We... -
Nanodiscs films at the air-water interface
Nanodiscs are self assembled complexes of phospholipids and a class of amphipathic helical proteins termed membrane scaffold proteins . The proteins and lipids self-assemble... -
PNR Measurement of Spin Pumping in a Metal and an Organic Semiconductor
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Impact of Stereochemistry and Diamine Structure on Absorption of Constructed ...
Chiral gemini surfactants containing stereogenic centers and two amphiphilic moieties, not only maintain the chiral properties, but also exhibit stronger aggregation properties,... -
Surfactant mixing at hydrophilic solid/aqueous interfaces
By applying the regular solution model (RS) to the determination of composition in a mixed surfactant layer adsorbed at a hydrophilic solid/aqueous interfaceand combining it... -
Proximity Effect in Fe3O4:Pt Multilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is a newly discovered phenomenon that if harnessed, could result in a significant improvement of the efficiency of thermoelectric energy generators. Spin... -
Protein secretion: Studying the folding and assembly of membrane proteins usi...
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Effect of Temperature on the Transbilayer Structure of a Model Erythrocyre Me...
In recent years, it has become understood that rather than being homogenous mixtures, biomembranes show a complex phase behaviour, with regions of uniform phases, and others... -
Understanding the decrease in adsorption of surfactants at a solid surface ab...
Previous data obtained from neutron reflection shown in Figure 1 has clearly shown that the surface excess of some surfactants when adsorbed from aqueous solution to a sapphire... -
Amyloid β peptide and α-synuclein association at lipidmodel membranes
We plan to investigate the interaction between amyloid proteins and model biomembranes deposited on solid surfaces. The model membranes will be single zwitterionic and mixed... -
Shear driven assembly of magnetic nanoparticles close to a solid-liquid inter...
Ferro-fluids are liquids where magnetic nano-particles are dispersed in a solvent and are covered with surfactants to prevent clustering. If a magnetic field is applied to such... -
Do cardiolipins play a role for the mode of action of antimicrobial peptides?...
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), also called host defense peptides, are part of the innate immune system of essentially all species, from bacteria themselves to mammals to protect...