Pollen profile GOSCI187, Lake Gosciaz, Polen
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen counts of sediment core CON01-603-5 from Lake Baikal (Posolskoe site)
This dataset has no description
Pollen counts of sediment core UDD-E from Lake Uddelermeer (The Netherlands) ...
Pollen classification as used by Engels et al. (2016, doi:doi:10.1177/0959683616632890) is provided:TS = Trees and ShrubsHea = Heathland taxaHI = Upland herbaceous taxaSP =... -
Raw pollen counts from peat core R1.00 of the Rybojady mire in western Poland
This dataset has no description
Raw pollen counts from peat core L1.00 of the Pawki Ług mire in western Poland
This dataset has no description
Pollen and spores record of peat profile Weisses Lauch
This dataset has no description
Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne KBR6
This dataset has no description
Pollen data from the margins of Lake Tiefer See / north-eastern Germany from ...
The data sets includes pollen records from 16 sediment cores taken at the margins of Lake Tiefer See / north-eastern Germany. The sediment cores were primarily studied to... -
Pollen content of profile No 85/2 of gravel pit Northeim_PitB
The pollen spectra of samples above the hiatus belong to Pollen zones VI and VII (Atlantic), the lower samples probably to Pollenzone IV (Preboreal) -
Pollen content of profile No 85/1 of gravel pit Northeim_PitB
The pollen spectra belong to Pollen zones V (Boreal) and VI (Atlantic) at least. -
Pollen content of profile No 84/3 of gravel pit Northeim_PitA
The pollen spectra belong to Pollen zones IV (Preboreal) to VIII (Subboreal). Radiocarbon age of peat (depth 1.39-1.45 m): Hv-13279: 9100+/- 220 BP; calibrated: 8286+/-314 calBC -
Pollen content of profile No 84/52 of gravel pit Northeim_PitA
The pollen spetrum seems to belong to Pollen zone III (Younger Dryas). If so it contains much reworked pollen.Radiocarbon age: wood of Salix, Hv-13276, 10800+/-310 BP;... -
Pollen content of profile No 84/5 of gravel pit Northeim_PitA
The pollen spectra belong to Pollen zones IV (Preboreal) and VIII (Subboreal). -
Pollen profile of sediments from Lac Superieur de Fully, Switzerland
This dataset has no description
Pollen profile Kappel_SE_156/120, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
(Fig. 4) Pollen profile Ra, Rambower Moor
analysed by Jörg Christiansen and Wiebke Kirleis -
Pollen profile from sediment core De_Y
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2009 -
(Table S8) Mean frequencies of vascular plant species from ten (1977) and sev...
Parameter comments: Plant Geographic Classes - AA:alpine/Arctic, B:boreal, N:north (but not boreal or alpine/Arctic) and O:other (cultural, south or south/east origin) based on... -
(Table S7) Mean cover of vascular plant species from 16 plots in a site of dr...
Parameter comments: Plant Geographic Classes - AA:alpine/Arctic, B:boreal, N:north (but not boreal or alpine/Arctic) and O:other (cultural, south or south/east origin) based on... -
(Table S2) Mean frequencies of vascular plant species from ten plots at Mount...
Parameter comments: Plant Geographic Classes - AA:alpine/Arctic, B:boreal, N:north (but not boreal or alpine/Arctic) and O:other (cultural, south or south/east origin) based on...