Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE647
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE647. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE645
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE645. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE642
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE642. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE641
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE641. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE639
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE639. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE638
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE638. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE643
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiles were measured using a Seabird SBE 911plus CTD during RV HEINCKE cruise HE643. The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for temperature... -
Physical oceanography measured on water bottle samples based on ship CTD duri...
During RV Polarstern expedition PS131 to the Arctic Ocean, a number of hydrographic profiles were obtained using a ship-based Seabird SBE911plus CTD rosette system. The... -
Physical oceanography based on ship CTD during RV POLARSTERN cruise PS131 to ...
During RV Polarstern expedition PS131 to the Arctic Ocean, a number of hydrographic profiles were obtained using a ship-based Seabird SBE911plus CTD rosette system. The... -
Physical oceanography measured on water bottle samples based on ship CTD duri...
This dataset contains the hydrographic bottle data collected with the ship based CTD rosette during the cruise PS124 - COSMUS (Continental Shelf Multidisciplinary Flux Study).... -
Physical oceanography based on Ocean City CTD during POLARSTERN cruise PS122
This data set contains the hydrographic profile data collected with a CTD rosette in a shelter on the ice (Ocean City) during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the... -
Physical oceanography based on ship CTD during POLARSTERN cruise PS122
This data set contains the hydrographic profile data collected with the ship based CTD rosette during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate... -
Physical oceanography based on ship CTD during RV POLARSTERN cruise PS124
This dataset contains the hydrographic profile data collected with the ship based CTD rosette during the cruise PS124 - COSMUS (Continental Shelf Multidisciplinary Flux Study).... -
CTD profiles at stations GeoB22333-2 and GeoB22365-3 from MARIA S. MERIAN cru...
Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) profiles obtained in the Baffin Bay at stations GeoB22333-2 and GeoB22365-3 during the MSM66 cruise (22nd of July 2017 – 28th of August... -
Physical oceanography during Oden cruise OD1507 Petermann 2015
CTD data collected during the Petermann2015 expedition (Oden cruise, OD1507) by C. Heuzé, J. Krützfeldt, A. Münchow, C. Stranne, C. Fröjd, P. Washam, R. Holden and A. Meiton.O2...