Replication Data for: Effect of liquid confinement on regioselectivity in the...
All primary data files related to the publication. Procedures, reaction conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in detail in the experimental section or the... -
Replication Data for: Hydrosilylation of Alkynes Under Continuous Flow Using ...
All primary data files related to the publication. Procedures, recation conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in detail in the experimental section or the... -
X-ray fluorescence data obtained from sediment core Zuckerfabrik-2 (1 cm reso...
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X-ray fluorescence data obtained from sediment core Scharrel-10 (1 cm resolut...
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X-ray fluorescence data obtained from sediment core Scharnhorst-3 (1 cm resol...
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X-ray fluorescence data obtained from sediment core Frielingen 9 (1 cm resolu...
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X-ray fluorescence on sediments of lake Rotsee, Switzerland (raw data from XR...
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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning data (raw data, not normalized) from IODP S...
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Raw (not normalized) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning data of IODP Site U138...
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Elemental Composition analyzed by XRF of dust samples from ephemeral rivers i...
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XRF data from marine core KL 15 taken in Gulf of Aden during R/V Meteor cruis...
Here, we present data from the marine core from Meteor Site KL 15 drilled in 1987 during R/V Meteor cruise 5/2 at station 259 (12.85738°N, 47.41707°E). The XRF data was measured... -
(Table 2, page 239), Trace elements and REEs from Mn rich deposits recovered ...
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese deposits from the Mariana and Volcano ...
During R/V T. Thompson cruise TT-192 around the the Mariana and Volcano Volcanic Arcs 60% of the dredge recoveries contained ferromanganese deposits. Substrate rocks consisted... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese crusts dredged from the Marshall Islands
In 1984, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a reconnaissance cruise L9-84-CP aboard the R/V S.P. LEE along the northern Ratak Ridge, Marshall Islands and retrieved... -
(Table3) Chemical composition of ferruginous coating on stones from the mouth...
Based on results of determination of acidic leachate composition. -
µ-XRF core scanning of lake sediment cores from Onepoto Basin (New Zealand)
The presented data forms the basis for the reconstruction of the depositional history of Onepoto maar lake (Northern New Zealand) as a response to regional and global drivers of... -
Water chemistry in the Kangerlussuaq region, Greenland
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Aquatic biota chemistry of surface sediments in the Kangerlussuaq region, Gre...
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X-ray fluorescence data of core MD-3 in florida mangrove diebacks
Concentration (ppm) of some chemical elements in coastal sediments obtained along core MD-3, representing marine (e.g. Br, Ca, Cl, and Sr) and terrestrial (e.g. Fe, Ti, and Mn)... -
X-ray fluorescence data of core MD-1 in florida mangrove diebacks
Concentration (ppm) of some chemical elements in coastal sediments obtained along core MD-1, representing marine (e.g. Br, Ca, Cl, and Sr) and terrestrial (e.g. Fe, Ti, and Mn)...