PANACEA Italian Parole V-SUBCAT Gold Standard lexicon
The PAROLE-SCF-31-IT is a lexicon of verb subcategorisation frames for 31 verb lemmas extracted from the PAROLE Italian Lexicon (Ruimy et a. 2003). -
PANACEA Spanish Gold Standard for lexical semantic classification
We present a set of Spanish gold-standards for different noun classes created in PANACEA to train and test automatic classifiers. To create these gold-standards we used the... -
PANACEA Labour and Repubblica merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PANACEA_rep_lab_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (labour) PANACEA_SCF_IT_labour.lmf.xml and a... -
Spanish LMF Apertium Dictionary
- This is the LMF version of the Apertium Spanish dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries for Spanish, Catalan, Gallego and Euskera have been generated from the Apertium expanded... -
TRL Spanish V-SUBCAT lexicon: LMF Format
Gold-standard for Spanish verbal subcategorization frames. The gold-standard was built merging two manually developed dictionaries: the Spanish working lexicon of the Incyta... -
PANACEA Spanish multi-level, multi-domain lexicon
- This is a multi-level, multi-domain lexicon for Spanish. It combines the automatically acquired lexica for ENV and LAB domains using PANACEA platform and some general domain...