Mikrocensus 1977, 3. quarter: Living Conditions of the Female Population
Similar to the survey of 1969 (Mikrozensus MZ6901) this Mikrozensus special survey provides information on the connection of occupation, housekeeping and childcare. It shows how... -
Freizeitmonitor Medien und Freizeit (Band 3) 1987
Thema: Freizeitmonitor, Medien und Freizeit Probability -
Mikrocensus 1997, 4. quarter: Sports, Leisure Time, Domestic Accidents, and S...
The consultants of the health and social statistics recommended the December 1997 survey to be on the topic of accidents during sportive activities, recreational time or in the... -
Mikrocensus 1989, 3. quarter: Sports, Leisure Time, and Domestic Accidents
The social- and health care system is still very interested in accident statistical data since surveys on accidents during sportive activities, recreational time or in the... -
Leisure and Culture in Vienna 1999
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Mikrocensus 1975, 3. quarter: Contacts with Relatives and Acquaintances
The quality of social contacts is, besides the financial situation, one of the most important factors for the happiness and overall satisfaction with life of a person. Questions... -
Mikrocensus 1988, 1. quarter: Extended Housing Survey, Environmental Conditio...
The special survey in March is on the topic of extended housing survey ("Erweiterte Wohnungserhebung"), just as in the previous years ( Mikrozensus MZ8701, Mikrozensus MZ8601,... -
Mikrocensus 1978, 4. quarter: Holiday Trips
In December a study on holiday trips of the Austrian population is conducted in the course of the Mikrozensus, similar to the one in the years 1969 (Mikrozensus MZ6904), 1972 (... -
Mikrocensus 1985, 4. quarter: Culture and Leisure Time
The topic of this Mikrozensus survey is the habits of consumption of cultural offers and leisure behaviour. A similar study had been conducted 10 years ago in June 1972... -
Mikrocensus 1998, 3. quarter: Leisure-Time and Culture
This Mikrozensus special surveys is on the habits of consumption of cultural offers and leisure behaviour of the Austrian population. This had already the topic of surveys... -
Omnibus Survey: Waste management; waste prevention; tax reform; leisure activ...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
ISSP-2012 Austria - Family and gender roles (with supplementary questions on ...
Full edition for scientific use. The survey ISSP-2012 "Family and Gender Roles" was conducted in connection with a research project on family farms in Austria. The ISSP... -
Omnibus Survey 2003
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Mikrocensus 1972, 2. quarter: Cultural Behavior
For decades Austria has had statistical data on cultural institutions and their offers but there has not been enough information on different social groups manner of... -
European Social Survey 2008-Austria
The political institutions of the European Community and of single nations are facing new challenges and changes in the 21st century. The European Social Survey poses the... -
Mikrocensus 1976, 3. quarter: Day Trips, Short Holidays
In September 1976 a Mikrozensus survey on the leisure time activities of the Austrian population - similar to the survey from December 1975 (Mikrozensus MZ7504). This survey... -
Mikrocensus 1972, 4. quarter: Holiday Trips
In December 1972 a study on holiday trips of the Austrian population is conducted in the course of the Mikrozensus. This survey is limited (as was the previous Mirkrozensus... -
Mikrocensus 1980, 4. quarter: Sports, Leisure Time, and Domestic Accidents
Already in December 1970 (Mikrozensus MZ7004) a Mikrozensus special survey had been conducted on this topic. After ten years this special program is now repeated. Appropriated... -
Mikrocensus 1985, 2. quarter: Short Holiday Trips
The Mikrozensus special survey in June 1985 is on the topic of travel behaviour of the Austrian population, similar to previous ones (Mikrozensus MZ8104, Mikrozensus MZ8704).... -
Aanvullend Voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 2007 - AVO 2007
Het Aanvullend Voorzieningengebruik Onderzoek (AVO) is een 4-jaarlijks onderzoek, met als doel inzicht te verkrijgen in de mate waarin door de Nederlandse huishoudens, alsmede...