Depth profiles of the contribution to total chlorophyll a+chlorophyllide a by...
Calculations were based on factors established for 89 water samples across Lake Baikal in July 2001 (see text). The traps were deployed for about 16 months and the core top... -
Relative percentage diatom profile for BAIK38 (BAIK94-38A), using uncorrected...
Fig. 3 is the diatom stratigraphy of dominant phytoplankton taxa for BAIK38 expressed as relative percentages, plotted against the age scale. Zone 1 (c. 880 AD–c. 1180 AD) is... -
Relative percentage diatom profile for BAIK94-38A using corrected values for ...
Preservation differences can be used as correction factors to recalculate the relative abundances of each of the five dominant plankton taxa in BAIK38 and are depicted in Fig.... -
Densities of benthic taxa with depth (CON 01-01 and CON 01-04 expeditions).
In all abyssal stations, densities are never over an average of c. 3100 individuals m−2 (Fig. 3, Table 1). In contrast, the shallow station (CON01-427, Posolskoe Bank) harbours... -
Depth profiles of marker pigments from Bacillariophyceae plus Chrysophyceae (...
The traps were deployed for about 16 months. The respective regression equations and its coefficients of determination (r2) are reported in Table 5.In the 40-m trap, fucoxanthin... -
Percent DW and %LOI values for the surface sediment core taken at site BAIK38...
Samples were routinely analysed for wet density (WD), percentage dry weight (%DW) at 105 °C, and loss-on-ignition analysis (LOI) at 550 °C, and data used to calculate diatom... -
Vertical profiles of settling particles in the water column.
During 16 months of deployment, 239 g m−2 dry matter settled in the 40-m trap, with an average flux of 14.9 g m−2 month−1 (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The content of organic carbon was... -
Diatom-inferred snow accumulation models for BAIK38 (BAIK94-38A) using uncorr...
Diatom-inferred snow depth reconstructions for BAIK38 using uncorrected taxa (Fig. 5a–c) show similar trends throughout the study period, with all or only five taxa in the... -
Depth profiles of chlorophyll a/carbon ratio (Chla/C), chlorophyllide a/carbo...
Fig. 4 visualises differences in the degradation between the organic compounds, chlorophylls, and carbon. The chlorophyll a/carbon ratio decreased with depth, indicating that...