Die Schlichtungsfälle im Bereich des Gleichstellungsgesetzes in der Schweiz -...
Der Evaluationsauftrag geht auf eine Motion der Nationalrätin Vreni Hubmann (02.3142) zurück. Hubmann verlangte, dass Rachekündigungen in privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen... -
Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen und Haltungen von Personalverantwortlichen im Hinblic...
Der Evaluationsauftrag geht auf eine Motion der Nationalrätin Vreni Hubmann (02.3142) zurück. Hubmann verlangte, dass Rachekündigungen in privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen... -
Qualitative Interviews mit jungen Frauen zu ihren Wunsch- und momentanen Beru...
Dieses Projekt hat zum Ziel den Einfluss von signifikanten Anderen in Bezug auf die Wunschberufe und die tatsächlich ausgeübten Berufe von jungen Frauen zu untersuchen. Es... -
Situation des femmes en Suisse : Enquête auprès de couples mariés - 1971
Inspired by UNESCO's program and recommendations for the advancement of women, the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO set up an ad hoc working group in 1966 to undertake a... -
Erhebung einer gesamtschweizerischen Datenbasis zum familienergänzenden Kinde...
Welche Bedeutung hat die familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung (FEB) für die Erwerbsentscheide von Frauen und Männern in der Schweiz? Dieser Frage sind das Forschungs- und... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la famille et le changement des rôles homme-femme, l'ide...
MOSAiCH stands for “Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland” and is a survey conducted under this name since 2005. It integrates several international... -
Qualitative interviews on paternity leaves in Lausanne - 2012
Switzerland is one of the few European countries that have not implemented parental leave policies (parental or paternity leave). However, in the last decade the issue has been... -
L'élite politique féminine en Suisse - 1986
In 1979, when the first report of the Federal Commission for Women's Issues (FCWI) was published, the number of political mandates conferred on Swiss women was estimated at... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête supplémentaire papier sur les relations familiales - 2013
MOSAiCH stands for “Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland” and is a survey conducted under this name since 2005. It integrates several international... -
Devenir parent - Données quantitatives longitudinales, 3 vagues
Research on the trajectories of couples shows quite consistently that the birth of the first child leads to a transformation of the family structure towards a more traditional... -
Situation des femmes en Suisse : Enquête auprès de femmes célibataires - 1971
Inspired by UNESCO's program and recommendations for the advancement of women, the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO set up an ad hoc working group in 1966 to undertake a... -
Academic career & social networks
This paper examines how gender proportions at the workplace affect the extent to which individual networks support the career progress (i.e. time to promotion). Previous studies... -
Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC)
The SNSF Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC) study tracks the careers of applicants for the postdoctoral career funding schemes of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These... -
Devenir parent - Données quantitatives longitudinales, 3 vagues
Research on the trajectories of couples shows quite consistently that the birth of the first child leads to a transformation of the family structure towards a more traditional... -
Qualitative interviews on paternity leaves in Lausanne - 2012
Switzerland is one of the few European countries that have not implemented parental leave policies (parental or paternity leave). However, in the last decade the issue has been...