Chemical composition of manganese nodules from the Kribati Region (CCOP/SOPAC...
During the evaluation of marine mineral resources of the Kiribati region sponsored by CCOP/SOPAC program (ESCAP, United Nations) various cruises of the R/V Machias successfully... -
Chemical composition of Pacific and Indian Ocean manganese nodules and crusts...
Manganese nodules and crusts from the Pacific Ocean were analyzed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography using X-ray emission spectrometry (XES). Samples were ground to < 74... -
Chemical composition of Pacific manganese nodules and crusts from the Pacific...
Manganese nodules and crusts from the Pacific and the Indian oceans were analyzed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Samples... -
X-ray microprobe analysis of manganese nodules from the vicinity of MANOP Sit...
Manganese nodules were taken from free-fall grabs at various stations of the Manganese Nodule Program BOMDROP cruise MN75-03. The underlaying sediment was essentially a... -
Chemical composition of Central Pacific manganese nodules retrieved during KK...
Manganese nodules were retrieved during the KK72 (Midway 72-07-02) campaign using a CNEXO free-fall grab system. Selected samples were chemically analysed in bulk using Atomic... -
Analytical data for manganese crusts and coatings retrieved from selected are...
The composition of the acid-insoluble residue and hydrolysate fraction has been determined for manganese crusts and coatings retrieved along an equatorial Pacific transect... -
Analytical data for manganese nodules retrieved from selected areas in the eq...
The composition of the acid-insoluble residue and hydrolysate fraction has been determined for manganese nodules retrieved along an equatorial Pacific transect surveyed during... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from the central Pacific Ocean...
Manganese nodules were retrieved during the SO06 (R/V Sonne) and COPANO (R/V Le Suroit) campaigns as part of the international "Hawaii-Tahiti Transect Program" initiated at the... -
Chemical composition of manganese nodules and associated sediments sediments ...
Manganese nodules and sediment samples were collected in the Central and South-West Pacific ocean during R/V Sonne campaign SO06 as part of the I.C.I.M.E. (International... -
Chemical composition of sediments, manganese micronodules and nodules from th...
A geochemical (major and trace elements including rare earths) study was made of core samples drilled between the Touamotou Archipelago and the Marqueses Islands during the... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules and crust from the Northwest P...
Manganese nodules were retrieved from the Pacific Ocean during the CNEXO-NIXO campaign and the GH76 and GH80 campaigns of the R/V Hakurei-Maru. Their chemical composition was... -
Chemical composition of manganese nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Fractur...
Manganese nodules from expeditions conducted by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean have been... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from the Pacific Ocean using X...
Manganese nodules were retrieved during cruises of the Scripps Oceanographic Institution (SIO). Their chemical composition was determined using X-ray fluorescence. From 1983... -
Chemical composition of manganese deposits from western Kiribati (Gilbert Isl...
11 stations were occupied during the survey carried out by CCOP/SOPAC on the UNDP charter vessel MACHIAS over an area southeast of Tarawa, western Kiribati. Retrieved manganese... -
Chemical composition of Indian Ocean manganese nodules analyzed at Preuss-AG
During the TRANSINDIK (VA07) campaign of the R/V Valdivia in the Central Indian Ocean manganese nodules were retrieved and analysed for their metal composition at Preuss-AG... -
Chemical composition and morphology of manganese nodules and crusts retrieved...
Chemical analyses were made on one hundred and forty five powder samples taken from defined parts of manganese nodules retrieved during the GH80-5 campaign of the R/V... -
Chemical composition of Pacific manganese nodules and crusts analyzed at Scri...
Manganese nodules, coatings and crusts from the Pacific Ocean were analyzed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography using X-ray emission spectrometry (XES). Samples were ground... -
Chemical analysis of micro-samples taken from different outer surface regions...
Manganese nodules have been shown to consist of heterogeneous mixtures of a variety of biogenic, detrital and authigenic particles in a finely laminated structure. On a... -
Chemistry of manganese nodules of GH81-4 survey area
103 nodule samples from each station of the GH81-4 survey from R/V Hakurei Maru were split; one half for microscopy on polished sections and one half for X-ray diffraction (XRD)... -
Occurrence of manganese nodules of GH81-4 survey area
Local variability of manganese nodule facies and associated sediments were studied around abyssal hills (60 x 60 km²) located in the equatorial zone of the Central Pacific...